LIM Yeon-kyoung / Independent Publishing in South Korea in the 2010s (1): The Cultural Movement Reinventing Feminist and Queer Intimacies 南韓的獨立出版運動(2010以來):重整戰友的親密

LIM Yeon-kyoung / Independent Publishing in South Korea in the 2010s (1): The Cultural Movement Reinventing Feminist and Queer Intimacies 南韓的獨立出版運動(2010以來):重整戰友的親密

What is independent publishing’s contribution to the Feminist/LGBTQ movement in South Korea? Lim Yeon-kyoung uses new materialist and post-consumerist frameworks to examine her own field experiences. 博士研究者Lim Yeon-kyoung 在後消費主義的藍圖裡重新理解「獨立出版」的政治性、創作上的實驗性,以至對南韓本土的女性主義、同志及酷兒運動的推進所作出的貢獻。獨立出版似乎注定被拒於嚴肅的學術出版的門外,林卻用新唯物主義和演述理論的高度去討論獨立出版的追求,並以個人「實戰」去說明。

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(八): 那年初夏   Just Around You 8: Early Summer That Year

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(八): 那年初夏 Just Around You 8: Early Summer That Year

No major personal drama. But the recurring scenario of 30 years of witnessing the changing relation between a country and a city thickens as the annual ceremonial spectacle is about to transfigure… — Episode 8 of FP writer Wai’s “Just around You.” 紀念的景觀儀式或不永恆… 一個成長於香港的女孩,在維園外試圗尋找多年來的恆常足跡 — 那串一年復一年,從無間斷,自己踏出來的足跡。

Hector Rodriguez / Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 1  福柯的「異托邦」(筆記一)

Hector Rodriguez / Notes on Foucault’s Heterotopia – 1 福柯的「異托邦」(筆記一)

「異托邦」:我們都活於空間的時代。異托邦是論述的空間,網絡的空間,社會的空間,思維的空間,效率操控的空間…卻絕對不是單一、單向的空間。 In 3 parts, Rodriguez’s reading report traces the centrality of space cutting through Michel Foucault’s corpus through the concept of “heterotopia.”

Jess Lau / 京都駐留筆記《步行電影院:飛翔的氣球》”Cinema of Walking: Airship” — notes on artist’s residency in Kyoto

Jess Lau / 京都駐留筆記《步行電影院:飛翔的氣球》”Cinema of Walking: Airship” — notes on artist’s residency in Kyoto

In January 2020, FP artist Jess Lau took residency in Kyoto; in the three months she spent there, she finally found the time and space to realize a much awaited work on a river, and made The Cinema of Walking: Airship on the Kamo River, to her, a unique glimpse of freedom. 2020年1月 Jess 到京都駐留三個月,有機會到訪鴨川,突然可以做關於河川的作品,《步行電影院:飛翔的氣球》遠距離一口氣完成拍攝,劉清華看著路人一步一步踏過跳石,片刻看到自由的模樣。…

Michael Leung / ON LAND 05: A Mushroom, for a While… 「在地」五:冬菇頭。簡樸生活。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 05: A Mushroom, for a While… 「在地」五:冬菇頭。簡樸生活。

An ordinary day with a haircut in Lyon put Michael into a confessional mode of reflexive reconnection with his double citizenship … To what kind of privileged access does it entitle him? And what doors has opened to him? 梁志剛的雙重國籍或公民權對他的漂流歷程有何在地的挑戰?又打開了一些甚麼的門?

Linda Lai / 第三十一個五月卅五日。只想留個標記。The 31st year, 35 May 2020, thoughts and words gathering …
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」一:街上的人  PEOPLE ON THE STREET, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 01
Ryan Chung / A Retrospective Look at Video Lesson as a Temporary Substitute for Face-to-Face Lesson 「思維自說自話」3: 錄像教案取代了面對面的教與學

Ryan Chung / A Retrospective Look at Video Lesson as a Temporary Substitute for Face-to-Face Lesson 「思維自說自話」3: 錄像教案取代了面對面的教與學

In his diary as a curious young teacher, Ryan Chung recounts the many problems he has encountered teaching children on-line during the COVID-19 homestay period. The question shifts: from how to make an interesting video lesson to what fuels the desire to learn. 當上小學老師不久,鍾樹仁遇上了 COVID-19 給他的考驗 — 如何製作好玩而花枝招展的錄像教案應付網上教學?很快,他知道要問的是另一種問題。

Jess Lau /「逆流索引」:林建才手繪連載 Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in Search of Time Lost

Jess Lau /「逆流索引」:林建才手繪連載 Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in Search of Time Lost

Quotidian Diversions – Kin-choi Lam’s drawing series on HK to launch on Floating Teatime’s “Personally Speaking” 4 June 2020: 6 groups of drawings in 6 weeks on Thursdays 林建才手繪連載:「流水革命10月天」六月四日起每周四連載共六輯。

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (2): what should an artists’ Union do? 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(二)- 藝術勞動,工會保障藝術家?

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (2): what should an artists’ Union do? 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(二)- 藝術勞動,工會保障藝術家?

FP writer, Emilie Choi’s analysis continues on the question of art labor in Hong Kong. In part 2 of her report, she asks, “what should an artists’ union do?” 據點成員蔡倩怡進一步思考藝術勞動的光景四年來沒有甚麼變動,且客觀環境越來越嚴峻。她問:「工會該如何保障藝術家?」

Floating Projects Collective 2025