[press release] An intimate journey with experimental animation from the US, Europe, Japan and Korea (1935-2017). In the summer kick-off of “Elemental Dynamite: Research on Intermedia Practices in Animated Pictures,” EXiS Program Director Lee Hangjun takes us through in conversations.【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。
【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。
The first of a new series, “let the mind speak,” by fresh graduate Ryan Chung for Floating Teatime… #1 unfolds an unspeakable state of mind… 一個今年暑假剛畢業的大學生用「寫」跟自己對談。是過程,不論成果。《思維自說自話》系列第一篇。
To FP writer Lai Wai-leung, what has played out in HK’s public space in June and July is no isolated drama. 歷史的緣由,這個地方的人口從來埋藏著一條思想鴻溝 …。
Ding Cheuk-laam’s notes from the 1st discussion forum of Have a Balanced Diet 3: Home-Making (11 July 2019) 丁卓蓝於7月11日「日常飲像影食3: 間房要唔要牆?」第一次放映和討論會後有所發現。
10 artists on “home” and its ramifications on-site exhibition until 26 July 2019 | 2nd screening + forum: Saturday, 20 July 2019, 6:00-10:00pm 李偉盛 Shing Lee on home-making… 阿嫲走了,但陪她走過的加州陽光,還陪著我走 Granny left us, but the Californian sunshine that once accompanied her never left. about the artist… 香港獨立電影人。2011年於香港知專設計學院畢業。自從2014年他的首部作品入圍台灣南方影展後,便開始從事獨立電影製作。期後,他到采風電影和北京草場地深造紀錄片拍攝。在2016至2018年期間,他與中國獨立紀錄片研究會的合作,讓他得到更多製作獨立紀錄片的機會。近期,他透過香港大學的香港紀錄片拓展種子基金完成了作品《團團圓》,並獲得第二十四屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽金獎(公開組)。 Hong Kong independent filmmaker. Graduated from Hong Kong Design […]
7 artists get out of the moving image frame and turn their thoughts on home into a spatial dialogue on site, as part of “Have a Balanced Diet 3: Home Making, a project by FP member Ding Cheuk-laam.
In “Home Making” (“Have a Balanced Diet” #3, 2019.07.12-26) FP member Ding Cheuk-laam and 14 other artists/researchers extend the quest for experimentation as a general attitude of life to home-making. What kind of habitats do we seek to create? How have we actually constructed our home via artistic imagination?「 間房要不要牆? 」是FP成員丁卓藍發起的《日常飲像影食》系列的第3部,連同14為創作和研究者繼續堅持實驗(性)作為一種整體的生活態度,並以房子這個熟悉而具體的日常空間為前題,看如何因著創作的行動,人的主體與媒體技術的互相啟發,「家」、房子就成了發聲運動的起點。
Once again, what is “micro narratives”? Micro narratives is about stepping down from ,,, Some pieces you’ll never see because they stand for the struggle to push boundaries…
「我們需要少些完美的電影,但需要多些自由的電影。」Jonas Mekas 這話道出了《微敘事 2019: 在這,仍在,現在》的的根底。” We need less perfect but more free films.” Jonas Mekas’s words articulate the ethos and pathos of “Micro Narrative 2019: Right Here, Left Now, Out There”…