
Searching for tag: floating-projects

One kind of Report: FP: what ‘participatory art’ can be 一點個人回顧:「據點」告訴我「參與式藝術」可以是怎樣的?

One kind of Report: FP: what ‘participatory art’ can be 一點個人回顧:「據點」告訴我「參與式藝術」可以是怎樣的?

With the outlook to understand Floating Projects itself as a collective, and to understand other collectives in order to be part of a bigger critical community with art in the core, Linda Lai wrote a personal “interim report” on FP 1.0, 2.0, and projectively FP 3.0. 黎肖嫻寫在據點 3.0 的萌生時刻。已知的,未可知卻可見的,「據點。句點」群體如何朝向更落實的參與式藝術創作?

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to  “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

The video essay is an expanding category, from the “film essay” named in the 1960s, generally considered non-fiction, to possible renewal of late 19th-C traveling lecture events which embraces pedagogic as much as fun purposes. Video essay is a form of “direct action” for the here and now, a critical response to the crisis of moving image as mnemontechnics (memory machines) that undermines our agency. 據點的《平地數碼》(2020年11月只2021年6月)志在翻開「散文電影」的系譜溯源,通過延伸的想像,擴大今時今日「錄像文章」的可用性以至成為如何活在當下的據點,對知識的守護和創造採取直接行動。請留意11月5日錄像文章比賽的正式發佈。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Invoking the term “video essay,” Floating Projects advances into a new experiment – to generate a new virtual community through sharing thoughts and sentiments as short videos, a tactical move in our milieu of media convergence. The video essay competition is an experimental action about naming and renaming, and how to survive contemporary society in which personal articulation is more often shut off and short-circuited than encouraged, wherever we are.

Andy Li / Be Right Back To Where You’ve Left (a solo  show). 那天會回到你那邊 (李新傑個展)

Andy Li / Be Right Back To Where You’ve Left (a solo show). 那天會回到你那邊 (李新傑個展)

Photography is an event that honors relationship, an event whereby techniques, concepts and sentiments come together. This exhibition exploring portraiture will mark the end of a phase of artistic pursuit, says artist Andy Li. The show does assert technology’s impact on the materiality of imaging, which will be the artist’s next phase of endeavors. 這個展覽,多層次的彰顯了攝影(藝術)是關係的實踐,「人像」是理念情感技術心思的總體行動,攝影是藝術行動,並不為漂亮影像的生產或形式而存在。這個個展也是一個階段的句號。李新傑面向未來,希望繼續他對「影像的物質性」的好奇為研究性創作的核心,影像是開放的實驗結果,未可知的成果展示,由自創造影像的機器開始。(黎肖嫻,於「據點。句點」群體8月23日交流之後)

Phantom Horizons 幻地平線
微敍事 的 家庭現象 :  牆上紋路 , 有誰在家? Marks on the wall: micro-narratives of a family phenomenon

微敍事 的 家庭現象 : 牆上紋路 , 有誰在家? Marks on the wall: micro-narratives of a family phenomenon

Ding Cheuk-laam’s notes from the 1st discussion forum of Have a Balanced Diet 3: Home-Making (11 July 2019) 丁卓蓝於7月11日「日常飲像影食3: 間房要唔要牆?」第一次放映和討論會後有所發現。

YIP Kai-chun, Winnie Yan / Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (2) 無法取得位置:弦音(二)
FPC members / Let me see if I can put it in words: between FP 1.0 and FP 2.0 總有一點想法:「據點。句點」1.0 與 2.0 之間
LAI Wai-leung / 從2.0回望 An insider taking on an outsider’s retrospective glance at FP 1.0 from FP 2.0
FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

《計劃聚集》為「據點。句點」的原生遊戲系列《黃竹坑聚疊》。句點藝術群體會在區內拾遺,不加思索地處理著現成物料,推斷著現成/被棄物的物理性,可衍生的下一步,聚疊遊戲後又衍生即興演出《據點空間壓力測試》系列。是次據點聚疊這空間「變形蟲」外遊來到了台北的非常廟藝文空間。王鎮海作了詳盡的記述。Wong Chun-hoi, FP’s Artistic Engineer, keeps a dense record of the process of staging FP’s Assemblage game in a gallery in Taipei.

Floating Projects Collective 2025