Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (1): Art Labour, the Value of Being Human 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(一)- 藝術勞動,生而為人的價值

Emilie Choi / Realities from 2016: Today’s Relevance (1): Art Labour, the Value of Being Human 2016年飄來的記憶。今天又如何?(一)- 藝術勞動,生而為人的價值

FP writer, Emilie Choi, former journalist for Ming Pao Weekly’s cultural page, recalls an investigative feature she did four years ago on the question of art labor in Hong Kong, and is dismayed that not much has advanced other than the many growing aggravations in the city. With a new introduction, she puts back in the spotlight realities we may have forgotten. 《「錄像宣言」的延伸閱讀:藝術勞工的景況:做個夜更的藝術家?》在「據點一杯茶」網上發表後,據點成員蔡倩怡不禁記起四年前她還是記者時所做過的專題訪問,驀然發覺時間過去了,藝術勞動的光景沒有甚麼變動,且客觀環境越來越嚴峻。她很想舊事重提,面對現實。這裡是翻新後的發表。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 04: Intergalactic Thinking 「在地」四:系際思維

Michael Leung / ON LAND 04: Intergalactic Thinking 「在地」四:系際思維

Michael Leung shuttles between empirical planes, intellectual horizons and concrete dwellings of diverged spatio-temporal orderings… to assert research that is multi-species, and art that is energy that runs through all realms of living. 「萬物」在梁志剛的漂流路上漸成一張網,少數邊緣的、系統與系統之間的、跨族類的都可以平放或結連。思路無邊,在無政府主義狀態到專制主義運作之間,香港的形影浮現。學術研究如何實踐系際思維?

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories  「推」:怕怕故事

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories 「推」:怕怕故事

Push: Scary Stories is a story about story-telling in Linda Lai’s childhood, her land of fear and fascination co-created with her Grandma before bedtime. 「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推:怕怕故事》推開了作者童年時候床頭說書的外婆伴著編織的幻想世界。這門,不過是眾多要推開的門的一道。

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(七): 蟹緣半生  Just Around you 7: half of a life with crabs

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(七): 蟹緣半生 Just Around you 7: half of a life with crabs

To remember the crab cuisine of our city is also to remember the rise and fall of her glamour. FP writer Wai stock-took a dozen of connoisseur recipes and other popular ways to prepare crabs … 記住吃過甚麼,是記住自己存在過的一種方法。往事煙消雲散,舊物亦難再回味,FP 黎偉亮衹好挖掘記憶留下文字聊以解饞,亦算為本土飲食文化最輝煌時代留下點滴印記。十幾款蟹菜。一些消失了的名店。一些 DIY 的提示。

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 04: War Frame, Bio-militaristic Metaphors… What’s beyond?  建構疾病 四:「戰役框架」、「生物軍國主義」以外可有別的疾病圖像?

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 04: War Frame, Bio-militaristic Metaphors… What’s beyond? 建構疾病 四:「戰役框架」、「生物軍國主義」以外可有別的疾病圖像?

A “war frame” and the use of militaristic metaphors have dominated the way we understand diseases. We are caught up in a bio-militarist vocabulary by which our knowledge of diseases is filtered through notions of besiege, battles, resistance, combat and so on. Are there other ways to frame diseases? In #04 of his extended reading report, Rodriguez raises the question and gathers some alternative views … 除了「戰役」的框架外,還有別的嗎?有沒有別的「隱喻」?是時候認真檢視「醫學人文學科」的發展,超越「生物軍國主義」對我們在認知疾病上的限制。羅海德繼續他的一連串讀書報告:如何述說 (narrativize) 疾病是尋求出路的起步。疾病作為敘事,有關疾病的敘事,敘事作為疾病,三者並行。

Vennes Cheng / THINK-PAD series 02: History and archive are constructed 「書寫作為思考」筆記系列二:歷史及檔案皆為構成物

Vennes Cheng / THINK-PAD series 02: History and archive are constructed 「書寫作為思考」筆記系列二:歷史及檔案皆為構成物

Reality once again confronts us with the fallacy that “history” is a subject that concerns only those studying the humanities. Researcher Vennes Cheng takes us back to a more basic question that deems history the literacy of contemporary global citizen, asking: what is the difference between historical reality and lived reality? 歷史是唸文科的人的事這想法或許有急切矯正的必要。歷史進入我們的日常知識領域,間接導引個人和社群行動的取決,或成為在位者下令的理據。退後一步,鄭秀慧問:歷史的現實與活在當下的現實有何不同?這是當代公民的基本道德素養罷。

Emilie Choi / 【Multi-windows: viewing notes during social distancing】01 實驗視窗系列 一:封鎖下的觀影筆記

Emilie Choi / 【Multi-windows: viewing notes during social distancing】01 實驗視窗系列 一:封鎖下的觀影筆記

FPC member and writer Emilie Choi’s “Multi-window” is a series of notes on on-line moving image exhibitions occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. In profiling these activities, she seeks to preserve observable details of the individual works for thorough discussion and research in future.「實驗視窗系列:疫情下的觀影筆記」將發表據點成員及寫作人蔡倩怡在網絡上所觀看的影像節目,嘗試從這些經驗中勾勒出流動影像在網絡上流轉的版圖與現象,為往後作出更具啟發性的討論。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 03: One Day We Won’t Need to Sweat (and Add Oil) 「在地」三:到那天,我們不再需要流汗(請加油)

Michael Leung / ON LAND 03: One Day We Won’t Need to Sweat (and Add Oil) 「在地」三:到那天,我們不再需要流汗(請加油)

A long journey, from the 2 years and 7 steps that firewood takes to become useful to us, to a child’s slingshot, and to the thought “We must use the methods available to us, and those I have learnt recently,” Michael Leung’s notes weave an otherly global network of peculiar relevance, entrenched on earth. 由砍樹到可燒菜取暖的柴火,兩年長的七個步驟、梁志剛的飄移體會是:「我們必須善用就在眼前已有的方法,還有剛剛學會的技巧。」創造新網絡,始於在地、留神。

Linda Lai / A certain state of mind… poems from automatic writing (1) 不假思索 – 喃喃自語(一)

Linda Lai / A certain state of mind… poems from automatic writing (1) 不假思索 – 喃喃自語(一)

Push! And a door will open. Push is a special charm to Linda Lai, a magic word she has used for several of her artworks, “PUSH Push – automatism” shares glimpses of her mind-scape, an enigmatic zone with strides of montage and poetry.「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推。推。不假思索》推開了作者某幾個時刻的紛繁思潮世界。斷、折,又絲連。是詩與蒙太奇的步履。

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 03: COVID-19 and the cooperative society 建構疾病 三:COVID-19與協作的社會

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 03: COVID-19 and the cooperative society 建構疾病 三:COVID-19與協作的社會

If a global cooperative society is essential to the combat of COVID-19, our situation is a gloomy one. Current geo-politics does not take us out of a notion-based combat strategy; and the causal mechanisms presumed by the science of epidemics require enormous financial support. 如果疾病、傳染病是「文化形態」,有個人、群體、社會機制、地緣政治、經濟能力各個多種的面向的話,又必須有超越國族為本的協力社群,為何我們每天聽到和針對的,都僅是處理個人和病毒之間的操守?

Floating Projects Collective 2025