Vanessa Tsai /「他還年輕」之後,我感念的一切 After “He’s Still Young” … thoughts abound recalling a former teacher

Vanessa Tsai /「他還年輕」之後,我感念的一切 After “He’s Still Young” … thoughts abound recalling a former teacher

A teacher who passed on more than knowledge, but inspirations. FP writer Vanessa Tsai, a teacher herself, has been inspired by Wu Sheng. 傳授知識是老師的職責,單單傳授知識的老師,也算是一個老師。「據點。句點」寫作人蔡季妙國中時遇過一個不僅單單傳授知識的老師,老師老了,相處回憶串串,縷縷如煙,卻常存心中。不求聞達不望回報,春風化雨,無聲無息潤澤大地,這是一個好老師成就另一個好老師的故事。

Winsome Wong / 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒂’𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 (Hong Kong, the Philippines) 安娜的派對,香港、菲律賓。

Winsome Wong / 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒂’𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 (Hong Kong, the Philippines) 安娜的派對,香港、菲律賓。

Space-action-interpretation. Cluster-distribution. Network-dispersion. Three locales. Distanced intimacy. Past is the present. FPC member Winsome Wong’s first solo at the Floating Projects. 以空間實作為演繹。簇的分配成為延散的網路。三種實地,遙遠的扣緊。從前就在當下。「據點。句點」成員黃慧心首度據點打開門。

Linda Lai / 《10957個陰晴圓缺》”10957 Moons & 30 Elliptical Years” projected at Macao’s Oxware House, EXiM2022

Linda Lai / 《10957個陰晴圓缺》”10957 Moons & 30 Elliptical Years” projected at Macao’s Oxware House, EXiM2022

After a summer’s COVID delay, Linda Lai’s 10957 Moons (= 30 years) finally got projected onto a wall on Macau’s Oxware House alongside 12 artists’ works. EXiM 2022: Experimental Video Festival. 6-27 September 2022. I was stunned by the bigger-than life-size chairs projected. The elegant chair dances and intimate chair talks I sought to conceive, […]

《旅館》讀書會後之喃喃自語 Murmurs after group-reading HOTEL LIFE

《旅館》讀書會後之喃喃自語 Murmurs after group-reading HOTEL LIFE

Emerging from a group-reading session of Levander and Guerl’s Hotel Life , F-Teatime contributor Vanessa Tsai reflects on herself as a lone sojourner. Anything can happen…? 。「據點。句點」寫作人蔡季妙借「旅館」讀書會探討人與旅館的關係,亦訴說天涯孤客的心情:浪跡異地,各有懷抱,前路茫不可知,誰也像浮萍,誰也需要一個安心所。(

D-Normal/V-Essay, States of the ART(ist), Ars Electronica, open articulation

D-Normal/V-Essay, States of the ART(ist), Ars Electronica, open articulation

Issues 1-4 of D-Normal/Video-Essay, FP’s online video zine, #1-4 is one of 11 Winners at Ars Electronica’s new initiative “State of the ART(ist)” (2022) dedicated to issues of urgency, from 357 submissions from 40 countries. Four issues of an online video zine, 90 works from 200 submissions worldwide, gathered portraits of survival, existential crises and yearnings for […]

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Framing Diseases 05: Diseases, Poetics, and Dwelling

Are perspectives on diseases without a human agent (empirical perspective) possible? “ From the disease image perspective (o1) through the cooperative discourse (02-03), and the “war frame” (04), Hector Rodriguez advances a point of view that conceives of a person as part and support of an ecological community. And what if “the bacteria that inhabit a person’s body are to a large extent unique to that person”? The assumptions of a microbial ecosystem define what it means to be person, so that a person is an ecological community. How ought we to think of personal identity when we consider the role of built spaces and dynamic interactions in shaping our microbial signatures?

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (6): Concrete Exchange 回家前的知識交流
月圓夏之夢 Interspecies drama in a full-moon summer evening

月圓夏之夢 Interspecies drama in a full-moon summer evening

In an unplanned hanging out in summer, Taiwan-based FP writer Vanessa Tsai found her direct encounter with the “Brown Land Crabs” (aka Chestnut crabs, or red-claw crabs) invoking interspecies thinking: must we sustain human survival at the cost of natural survival? 據點駐台作者蔡季妙趁暑假鬆一口氣,隨心的到台南曾文溪口一遊,正值「凶狠圓軸蟹」產卵時節,觸發了「種間思維」對人和自然共生的必要性。

“Miss Dong Quartet: Miss Tung” 董小姐 –> 彤小姐。

“Miss Dong Quartet: Miss Tung” 董小姐 –> 彤小姐。

“Field notes” series (2022) Look at That Picture begins with graduate researcher Tse Lam-hei’s close study of a drawing by local artist Ho Sin-tung, which Tse turns into a found archaeological object, tackled with rich descriptions. 研究員筆記「定睛看」系列的首篇。謝琳禧鑽進本地藝術家何倩彤的一張手繪,用考古的態度、方法,和精細調理歷史的精神,把何的圖像層層剝開。

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (5): Acting Out 實作
Floating Projects Collective 2025