"Imagining My Grandmother” (Lilian Fu / 2010 / video-animation) 記起、回顧、賦形、喚生… To Lilian Fu , in many ways, animation and recollection have strong affinities and may form the most interesting assemblages.
Yuejin Ho contemplates on his aural and visual experience in the urban space of Hong Kong and wonders if we should just fall numb to what could be oppressive to our senses. ...
至微的美學經濟/極盡的概念發揮 "Minimum aesthetic economy, maximum conceptual articulation." Linda Lai account for the count-down fortnight to FPC's inauguration exhibition (opening May 22).
Song Zheng makes sense of Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni's L’avventura [The Adventure 奇遇] (1960 / Italy / 143 min / b&w / 1:78). What is forgiveness? Does it always bring peace?
— lenelenejo What if one day you run into renowned contemporary artist Vito Acconci on a random street in the city where you live, what then? Option A: Get on to greet Acconci and introduce yourself. Option B: Follow Acconci until he enters a building or a private place, just like how he followed strangers on the streets […]
葉啟俊 Yip Kai-chun 談每次看演唱會必然有安歌(encore)部份的不耐煩。 以上年看的 Radio Dept.為例 ...。
5HiNo reviewed Michael Haneke's film White Ribbon (2009/ 144mins/ b+w) to great satisfaction: how the conflict within a tiny village expands and explodes into horror.
蔡世豪 Choi Sai-ho (S.T.) reviews Ladytron Remix, amazed with its many new moves.
Linda Lai reviewed the works in the “Transmediascape” session of the 12th International Women's Film Festival in Seoul (8-15 April 2010): 8 film/video works of varied length and diverse methods, each experimental of its own kind..