Lilian Fu / Remembering, Recollecting, Animating, Enlivening… – preview notes #2 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Lilian Fu / Remembering, Recollecting, Animating, Enlivening… – preview notes #2 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

"Imagining My Grandmother”  (Lilian Fu / 2010 / video-animation) 記起、回顧、賦形、喚生… To Lilian Fu , in many ways, animation and recollection have strong affinities and may form the most interesting assemblages.

HO Yue-jin / 靜音車廂與單車搖滾 Resisting in broadcast-free train cars, or intervening with roaming sounds?
Linda Lai / Simplicity of form, economy of presentation, tenacity of concept – preview notes #1 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Linda Lai / Simplicity of form, economy of presentation, tenacity of concept – preview notes #1 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

至微的美學經濟/極盡的概念發揮 "Minimum aesthetic economy, maximum conceptual articulation." Linda Lai account for the count-down fortnight to FPC's inauguration exhibition (opening May 22).

Song Zheng / 我該如何讓你明白 L’avventura: Autistic Dialogues

Song Zheng / 我該如何讓你明白 L’avventura: Autistic Dialogues

Song Zheng makes sense of Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni's L’avventura [The Adventure 奇遇] (1960 / Italy / 143 min / b&w / 1:78). What is forgiveness? Does it always bring peace?

Jolene Mok / An ‘Aftermath’… after Para/Site brought Vito Acconci and Ai Weiwei to dialogue in Hong Kong

Jolene Mok / An ‘Aftermath’… after Para/Site brought Vito Acconci and Ai Weiwei to dialogue in Hong Kong

發表於: 02 May 2010

— lenelenejo What if one day you run into renowned contemporary artist Vito Acconci on a random street in the city where you live, what then? Option A: Get on to greet Acconci and introduce yourself. Option B: Follow Acconci until he enters a building or a private place, just like how he followed strangers on the streets […]

YIP Kai-chun / 演唱會大龍鳳 Encore, scripted drama on call

YIP Kai-chun / 演唱會大龍鳳 Encore, scripted drama on call

葉啟俊 Yip Kai-chun 談每次看演唱會必然有安歌(encore)部份的不耐煩。 以上年看的 Radio Dept.為例 ...。

YIP Kai-chun /《白色恐懼》的教人不寒而慄:慄在那處? The cold in the spine in Haneke’s White Ribbon
5HiNo / 白色恐懼 White Ribbon

5HiNo / 白色恐懼 White Ribbon

5HiNo reviewed Michael Haneke's film White Ribbon (2009/ 144mins/ b+w) to great satisfaction: how the conflict within a tiny village expands and explodes into horror.

s.t. / 聽歌觀影隨寫 Notes on a few music albums
Linda Lai / Transmediascape…advancing experimental convergence, notes on an IWFFIS (2010)  「超媒景」∶單窗影像的匯流堆疊撞擊法(第十二屆首爾國際女性電影節)

Linda Lai / Transmediascape…advancing experimental convergence, notes on an IWFFIS (2010) 「超媒景」∶單窗影像的匯流堆疊撞擊法(第十二屆首爾國際女性電影節)

Linda Lai reviewed the works in the “Transmediascape” session of the 12th International Women's Film Festival in Seoul (8-15 April 2010): 8 film/video works of varied length and diverse methods, each experimental of its own kind..

Floating Projects Collective 2025