In response to ZKM's invitation to speak at their Media Art 21 (MA21) Forum to take place in Hong Kong during the Art Basel period, Linda Lai outlines the reflection on her 25+ years of journeying in tiny steps towards a paradigm of (new) media art that answers HK's local needs as well as bears a future-oriented vision for media art education. 因應德國 Karlsruhe 的新媒藝術中心 ZKM 的邀請,我動筆勾劃了以下的大綱,值此追溯我在過去這二十多年來詢問有關(新)媒體藝術的種種而自行編出的細步,會在它們於巴塞爾藝術節樹起的香港論壇 MA2 分享。
***Our Manifesto 2: Videography, Documentary Impulse will be out end of April. Please stay tuned. Manifesto 2 team member Emilie Choi connects the project to the current HK context.《我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動》將於2021年4月底面世,請密切留意。計劃工作隊成員蔡倩怡率先作引,從當下的香港看錄像書寫的特殊意義。
FP writer, Emilie Choi’s analysis continues on the question of art labor in Hong Kong. In part 2 of her report, she asks, “what should an artists’ union do?” 據點成員蔡倩怡進一步思考藝術勞動的光景四年來沒有甚麼變動,且客觀環境越來越嚴峻。她問:「工會該如何保障藝術家?」