AGE (Acoustic Glitch Ensemble) by members and friends of the Floating Projects Collective ...
a group of sound artists' reunion -- three years after their last performance, they have decided to get together to make sounds...
FP's Spatial Pressure Calibration 3rd round: this performance will be based on the objects inside the playground... FPC artists will make sounds and improvize object-play with a dis-assembled sewing machine, marble machine, industrial bottles, a hammer, cotton candy and more...
FPC artist Andio Lai will run a workshop on the history of comics and basic methods ...
Kenji Wong's two performance art videos, ‘Tear-Shedding Exercise’ (2012) and ‘Exercises in Violence’(2015), will meet visitors on-site at Floating Projects in Wong Chuk Hang.
Book launch of SOFTIMAGE: TOWARDS A NEW THEORY OF THE DIGITAL IMAGE, with author Ingrid Hoetzl in dialogue with Linda Lai
An open event that welcomes anyone interested to join and bring along one's own favourite tools and instruments... an extended form of WCH Assemblage with a sound-making edge.