2024.11.02 - 11.07
This edition of Soundpocket's The Listening Academy is in the form of a retreat for "taking a breath" together, working on assuaging situations of panic, bringing air into the lungs and calming anxiety. It is a remedy and a tactic for contending with heightened states of fright and flight. Full program here at Floating Projects and other communities and outdoor locations around Hong Kong...
2024.09.15 - 09.15
Albert Yu's own personal commentary on an interview he did with Linda Lai some years ago, recently published as a manuscript selection for animation research Elemental Dynamite. This is the 2nd “open the book(s)” events by Floating Projects after BOOKED 2024.
2024.09.14 - 09.14
Hector Rodriguez's "Art as Articulation" 「藝術的發聲和接合:媒體、意義、科技」marks the first of a series of post-BOOKED events to further “open the book(s)” Floating Projects have presented in Tai Kwun's annual art book fair -- a way to enforce sharing, and to enact the performative power of independent small publishing.
2024.07.19 - 08.11
作為「建構者」,黎仲民在空間內為建構過程進行整合,希望透過展覽去重新了解多年來的工具,想像與創作方向。Inspired by Media Archaeology and Symbolic Archetype, Andio Lai's process of contruction is unfolding at Floating Projects in 'The Constructivist'. Through an on-site event, he seeks to understand old tools, past imaginations, and creative directions from a new perspective.
2024.04.14 - 08.25
Five 3-hour workshops leading to a week-long exhibition. Ian Cheng initiated the "Invisible Cities" series, spanning from April to August, with 20 participants. 年青創作者鄧一言背起「見島年輕教學藝術家培訓計劃」第三階段的任務,以《看不見的城市》工作坊系列為20位參加者組織跨媒跨界的學習和發表機會。
2023.02.12 - 02.25
Artist Ng Sing-yiu invited several friends to turn his site-specific installation “Circuit: Cinema & Meditation” at Floating Projects into an experience-based workshop series 伍昇耀把「虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院」於據點的就地流動影像裝置化為共享,邀請了友好參與其中,與訪者共修。
3-6pm | 據點《平地數碼》膨脹學習見面系列 - 聲音工作坊 D-Normal/V-Essay expanded meeting/learning series -- 工作坊導師 Workshop Leader: | 王鎮海 | Wong Chun Hoi | registration required.
Sun 星期日, 3pm - 6pm. Workshop host: Kel Lok 駱敏聰主持
2:00pm - 5:30pm. Workshop host: Andy Li 李新傑講授 -- an extended learning session as part of Floating Projects' D-Normal/V-Essay online zine project
2020.03.17 - 04.11
三十幾位「錄像宣言二」的創作者在三四月期間的四次在線工作坊中深入切磋。30 plus selected artists are meeting in March and April 2020 in 4 different on-line workshops to critically engage in one another's videographic practices.