2024.09.15 - 09.15
Albert Yu's own personal commentary on an interview he did with Linda Lai some years ago, recently published as a manuscript selection for animation research Elemental Dynamite. This is the 2nd “open the book(s)” events by Floating Projects after BOOKED 2024.
2024.09.14 - 09.14
Hector Rodriguez's "Art as Articulation" 「藝術的發聲和接合:媒體、意義、科技」marks the first of a series of post-BOOKED events to further “open the book(s)” Floating Projects have presented in Tai Kwun's annual art book fair -- a way to enforce sharing, and to enact the performative power of independent small publishing.
2024.08.30 - 09.01
20 new zine/monograph issues from FP, two curated books to add to 20 other well read publications. stickers, postcard, T-shirts... 二十個來自據點。句點玩家的個人和團體的獨立出版,為了分享。這期,還有據點自家製的T恤和明信片,還有...。
2023.04.28 - 05.01
Visit FP's zine and artbook in great variety... at Tai Kwun's BOOKED 2023, table #58, 28-30 April 2023
an on-going FP project returns after a long break: D-Normal/V-Essay #4 (since December 2020) 據點網上錄像誌《平地數碼》第4期 已上載
4-6pm | A special D-Normal/V-Essay program. Editor and project chief Linda Lai honors 3 accomplished works, three very different journeys constructing the past for very different reasons. Screening preceded and followed by two other shows selected by Dn/Ve jurors.
2021.06.12 - 06.19
Committed to ADC's Arts Go Digital, Issue #3 (30 June) will be accompanied by 3 learning seasons for varied interests in sight and sound. 張開影像和聲音在創作表述上多姿多彩的可能性。請考慮參與6月份的延伸學習活動。
22 May 2021 @ Floating Projects。 We are pleased to announce some new zines in our shop space 據點小店:小書展賣特選。Feel free to visit us and read them. 作者們一片心意。歡迎來據點翻看閱讀。
2021.05.23 - 06.28
The collaborative project will be launched in 3 meetings with some of the 49 artists meeting the audience in person ... 錄像宣言2 《我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動》新書發佈,由 49 位在港創作者與觀眾見面。
相信藝術。Believe in art | 相信科技。Believe in human-technology co-agency | 相信溝通、表達、發問 Believe in communicating, questioning and expressing | 此時此地的香港需要融入生活的藝術。Art injects vitality and hope to Hong Kong here and now | 請參與據點的錄像文章運動。2020年11月啟動。Please join our "Video Essay" movement, ignited November 2020