"Circuit: Cinema & Meditation" workshop series 「虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院」共享工作坊
Artist Ng Sing-yiu invited several friends to turn his site-specific installation “Circuit: Cinema & Meditation” at Floating Projects into an experience-based workshop series 伍昇耀把「虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院」於據點的就地流動影像裝置延展,化為經驗的共享,邀請了友好參與其中,與訪者共修。
Site-specific installation @Floating Projects | 2023.02.11-26| 14:00-20:00 | Tuesdays to Sundays
**靈性探索系列 Series of Spiritual Practice –
2023.02.12 (Sun) | 15:00-16:30 | Relaxation Sound Bath 舒壓聲頻浴 (yoga sharer: Sheung Ning)
2023.02.18 (Sat) | 15:00-16:30 | Yoga Nidra 瑜珈睡眠 (yoga sharer: Sheung Ning)
2023.02.25 (Sat) | 15:00-16:30 | Experimental Chanting/Meditation 音樂唱誦共修 (meditation facilitator: Gala; musician: Ar Nick)
Location: “Floating Projects” L3-06D, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), No.30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾 白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) L3-06D「據點。句點」(港鐵石硤尾站C出口,步行約5至8分鐘)
舒壓聲頻浴 Relaxation Sound Bath
登記 Link for Registration : https://forms.gle/4Ezx4uMsdYhJzUHPA
2023.02.12 (Sun) | 15:00-16:30
Yoga sharer and teacher – Sheung Ning will perform a singing bowl sound bath in concert with the projection of artwork “Circuit” for you to relax and destress. The sound and vibration of the singing bowl can balance and purify the body and mind. The event will be started with basic stretching and breathing exercise, followed by the sound bath.
語言 Language | 粵語為主 Mainly in Cantonese
費用 Cost | 自由定價 Pay as you wish | 人數 Max Capacity | 10 people
* 備註 Remark | 參加者可自備薄被,枕頭。請穿著寬鬆和舒適衣物。Participant can bring blanket and pillow for a better experience. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing.
瑜伽睡眠 Yoga Nidra
登記 Link for Registration : https://forms.gle/o94nDb5o4e3LarQW9
2023.02.18 (Sat) | 15:00-16:30
Yoga sharer and teacher – Sheung Ning will guide us to practice Yoga Nidra with her voice. We will try to enter the state of pure consciousness of meditation, and experience the expanded consciousness into the world of energy flow “Circuit” presented. Yoga Nidra includes basic warm-up, guided meditation and mini singing bowl sound bath session. After the practice, your brain may feel refreshed like never before.
語言 Language | 粵語為主 Mainly in Cantonese
費用 Cost | 自由定價 Pay as you wish | 人數 Max Capacity | 10 people
* 備註 Remark | 參加者可自備薄被,枕頭。請穿著寬鬆和舒適衣物。Participant can bring blanket and pillow for a better experience. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing.
音樂唱誦共修 Experimental Chanting Meditation
登記 Link for Registration : https://forms.gle/5CSUG3pWZCJcNqxx8
2023.02.25 (Sat) | 15:00-16:30
禪修帶領人 Gala 和音樂人太叻會帶領大家探索多種樂器及你自己獨有的聲音,並鼓勵大家隨音樂流動、隨心唱誦,在聲音的遊戲中共修,並感受作品《虛遊迴路》中的流動能量。共修的形式可以是充滿趣味和隨心而發的。
The meditation facilitator Gala and the musician Ar Nic will lead you to explore a variety of musical instruments as well as your own voice. We encourage you to flow with the music, to chant with your heart and to meditate in playing. And in that to feel the flowing energy illustrated in artwork “Circuit”. Meditation can be fun and spontaneous.

語言 Language | 粵語為主 Mainly in Cantonese
費用 Cost | 自由定價 Pay as you wish
人數 Max Capacity | 16 people
* 備註 Remark | 歡迎參加者自帶樂器。請穿著寬鬆和舒適衣物。Participants are welcome to bring their own musical instrument. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing.
受邀活動單位介紹 Event Host
上寧 @_sheung.yoga | 瑜伽分享者及導師
Sheung Ning @_sheung.yoga | Yoga sharer and teacher
She hopes to share yoga philosophy through her mat yoga and singing bowl classes. So people not only enjoy the benefits that come with yoga practice but also can integrate yoga wisdom into daily life.
Gala @vesselof_ | 禪修帶領人 Meditation facilitator
Guides regular mindful practice groups and provides Akashic interpretation services. She hopes to spread and cultivate mindfulness habits to the public in various forms of group practice.
太叻 Ar Nic @noskypower | 音樂人 Musician
Be engaged in training both brains and brawn and cultivating good relations with others. Interested in various ethnic musical instruments, and exploring the possibility of sound and music with Gala.