2021.01.05 - 01.20
"Are we going to meet again after this?"「這次之後,我們還會相見嗎?」莫碧瑩 Shirley mok + 梁穎珊 Cassia Leung... during the pandemic...
2020.12.12 - 12.31
A solo show on imaging by Dory Cheng (CHENG Ka-man) curated by Wong Chun-hoi for the Floating Projects 王鎮海策劃。
相信藝術。Believe in art | 相信科技。Believe in human-technology co-agency | 相信溝通、表達、發問 Believe in communicating, questioning and expressing | 此時此地的香港需要融入生活的藝術。Art injects vitality and hope to Hong Kong here and now | 請參與據點的錄像文章運動。2020年11月啟動。Please join our "Video Essay" movement, ignited November 2020
2020.11.21 - 12.05
藝術家 Artist: 挨壁靠事務所 Epical Chamber (梁嘉文 Leung Ka Man + 梁御東 Ocean Leung). Exhibition + artist's talk
2020.10.10 - 10.25
On analog tapes and digital files. 展出不同的聲音檔,內容有表演,練習,實驗等等。展期內會有特定的 ”UPLOAD” 以及 ”jamming“ 時間。A re-mix and re-creation of performance-related digital files from FP1.0 and FP2.0
2020年9月30日(三)晚上7時至9時,資深動畫人黃偉恆會將會於「據點。句點」(JCCAC, L306D) 從宮崎駿多齣動畫中找出有趣而獨到的角度,為觀眾帶來非一般的啟示。 香港動畫製作人協會主辦,深水埗區議會贊助。
2020.08.07 - 08.30
FPC member Andy Li's dedicated solo on photography as a total relational event... The act of photographing (recording) someone is not merely to make an nth document; it is an event in itself. The photographic acts become part of the relationship. ... 攝影不單純是記錄,而是拍攝是整體的事件,關係本身是它的不可或缺的部份。「那天」指的是拍攝一刻,同時也代表了回憶。最終完成印製的相片盛載了時間和記憶。「據點。句點」成員李新傑對攝影是由關係譜出的全盤的行動以個展作出宣言。
2020.07.04 - 07.19
The 63-work exhibition "The Ventriloquissts...Thinking Narratively" plus two screenings are completed. Seven artists are selected winners of the various awards. Thanks to everyone who has cast a ballot. 《腹語系。微敘思考》63個作品的展覽及兩場放映已圓滿結束。七位創作者的作品獲獎項嘉許。謝謝所有投過票的朋友們。
2020.07.10 - 10.11
35 short moving image works in two evenings... 7:30-9:00pm @ Floating Projects. Host: Wong Chun-hoi, Terence Chan
The Ventriloquists… Thinking Narratively 《腹語系。微敘思考》| 4-17 July 2020 @ Floating Projects 2-8pm Tuesdays to Sundays | Floor Plan, parts and whole, full listing of works