2019.03.23 - 04.07
23/03/2019 (Sat 六) - 07/04/2019(Sun 日) Documentation Exhibition : Floating Projects Artist Residency Program Outbound 2019: C3A, Córdoba (Spain) 海外駐留支援計劃 2019 西班牙 哥多華 C3A 匯報展覽
2019.03.02 - 04.30
Queen's Road Central and its surroundings in the 1930s unfolded for its lost everyday textures, and re-wrapped through artistic re-invention for the 21st visitors. 剖開1930年代的皇后大道中一帶,用21世紀的藝術心情重新折疊,重現另一種的物質存有。
Relentless Melt No. 13: Consecutive Correspondences/ Curated by Max Hattler/ 15 May 2019 (Wednesday) 6:30-8:30pm
2019.02.23 - 03.17
23 Feb 2019 (Sat) - 17 Mar 2019 (Sun)
2019.02.02 - 02.17
演出 第一場:2019年2月2日晚上7點、第二場:2019年2月17日晚上7點 日期 Dates:2 / 2 / 2019 – 17 / 2 / 2019 時間 Time:14:00 – 20:00
27 January 2019 at 5 pm
2019.01.03 - 01.20
Exhibition Period | 展期:3/1/2019 -20/1/2019: Suzueri (Elico Suzuki) plays with found everyday objects to explore their multi-sensory, tactile and sculptural possibilities... This is an expanded show of Sound Movement displaying the results of her workshop with local artists.
special program of "Intersection in midair" Music festival. 1/1/2019: Workshop by Elico Suzuki (suzurei) 2 - 20/1/2019 outcome exhibition
Relentless Melt No. 10: Year of the Bore/ Curated by Max Hattler/ 23 January 2019 (Wednesday) 6:00-8:00pm
A One night Live Performance curated by Frederique Decombe 16 / 12 / 2018. 18:00 – 19:00 (starts 18:00 sharp)