Book Launch + Ambience Intervention: SOFT IMAGE: Towards a New Theory of the Digital Image
據點演繹 Partnership
Please join us at Floating Projects this coming Thursday 22 Oct 2015, 7-9 pm
***Unit 8D, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, no. 40 Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Island south
*** ... for the launch of a new book Softimage: Towards a New Theory of the Digital Image, published last month with Intellect/Chicago UP, by Ingrid Hoelzl and Remi Marie.
Ingrid Hoelzl will be in discussion with Linda Lai (Project experimenter for Floating Projects), and Damien Charrieras (scholar for new media). The discussion will be followed by an ambient intervention by the Acoustic Glitch Ensemble. **Softimage: Towards a New Theory of the Digital Image can be accessed in Floating Projects Library