
Category: Personally Speaking 私物語

發明你的字句,操練你的發聲,給未有名字的起個名,為碎片堆築一條路。Share it if we deserve it: thoughts on living and being, poetry, automatic writing… silences, speechlessness, noise, soundings… fragmentary thoughts in search of a path, elliptical sentiments, the unspeakable…

Natalie Chao, Linda Lai / Postscript 2 to Manifestos 2’s 2nd book launch conversation 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:更多對話

Natalie Chao, Linda Lai / Postscript 2 to Manifestos 2’s 2nd book launch conversation 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:更多對話

“Motives for. Remembering,” the 2nd book launch conversation for Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulses took place on-line 28 May. The conversations continue as Natalie Chao wrote to Linda Lai after her postscript with Zach McLane, this time, delving into how our body remembers and why manifesto-writing will not be obsolete. … 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 — 網絡研討會『為何要記住』5月28日在據點舉行。繼 Zach McLane 傳來研討後記,另一位年青影像創作人趙芷妮又透過電郵與黎肖嫻進行跟進討論,想起身體如何記住,為何還要寫宣言。

Zach McLane + Linda Lai / Postscript to Manifesto 2’s book launch conversation 2 (28 May) 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:一點對話

Zach McLane + Linda Lai / Postscript to Manifesto 2’s book launch conversation 2 (28 May) 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:一點對話

The 2nd of the three book launch events for “Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulse” took place on-line last night with our artists participating from the Los Angeles, London, HK and Shanghai in the form of a webinar. Zach McLane and Linda Lai had a follow-up email conversation in which Zach points out issues for further address — now published as a postscript to the webinar… 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 (網絡研討會)昨晚在據點舉行,受邀參與這計劃的藝術家來自美英中港。會後 LA 的年青創作人 Zach McLane 與黎肖嫻進行了小小的電郵跟進討論,點出了未來有待深化的議題。

Winnie Yan / Proper Nouns: Confession on ending things with “Localized Blindness” 專有名詞-以《局部失明》作結的自白

Winnie Yan / Proper Nouns: Confession on ending things with “Localized Blindness” 專有名詞-以《局部失明》作結的自白

Localized Blindness (2019-2020) is Winnie Yan’s most recently completed video work, for Manifesto 2. She spotlit the backstage of the work’s making process, performing the complex world of thoughts and emotions traversing within. 忻慧妍的《局部失明》含蓄如密碼佈陣,定睛創作的後台是另一種風景。與其說是心情和動機上的剖白,不如說是現在進行式的隨著她的思緒找發聲的調韻。聽一個人所訴之白跟看著一個人訴白,是兩個不同的經驗,都源自記錄的衝動。

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (六) –《雲彩》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 6: “painted clouds.“ Text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (六) –《雲彩》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 6: “painted clouds.“ Text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong shows us a certain inquisitive state of mind. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,是尋問的現在進行式。

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (五) –《漩渦》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 5: “Whirlpool.“ Text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (五) –《漩渦》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 5: “Whirlpool.“ Text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong goes round and round in circles. An endless journey. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,太空無邊際,峰迴路轉卻有軌跡。

WONG Fuk-kuen / 我與彈珠人:小孩的他和三十歲的他接軌了。 B-Daman and I: once a kid, now I’m 30

WONG Fuk-kuen / 我與彈珠人:小孩的他和三十歲的他接軌了。 B-Daman and I: once a kid, now I’m 30

「我跟彈珠人有一種緣份,跨越了二十多年時間,這種特殊的喜愛也是一樣的。無論在小學,還是到現在,相比其他漫畫,這個故事情節也比較真實…。」(2017,黃福權)成年人眼中的沈溺,在一個小孩來說,或許是有他們的原因的,也可以是一生的能源的暗出口。今天的他再回顧小六時候的記憶。Wong Fuk-kuen sees a clear linkage between the young kid and the adult of himself through the marble shooting toy B-Daman. Here, he speaks of the 20-something-year attachment.

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候  Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候 Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

一個小時的飛航時間,把香港和台灣分隔成兩個歷史溯源和軌跡有交疊卻體驗不一樣的生活世界。又或者,貌不似而神似?身為小學老師的「據點」海外作者蔡季妙用今天的視野去「重訪」小時候的自己,不期然想起了教科書。Primary school teacher Vanessa Tsai, FP overseas contributor, revisits her young self through the lens of contemporary society: her primary school textbooks and experiences weigh on her massively. How is Hong Kong and Taiwan linked to and set off from one another other than the 1-hour flight that sets them apart?

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

2020年7月,據點成員駱敏聰從黎肖嫻的手裏取來《三毛流浪記》全集的第七集,寫個自由發揮的「閱讀報告」。三毛的遭遇,在三個「問三毛」的「隨機訪談」中漠然化開了,難成合體的論述;讀故事的人卻在前台亮點。這是個有關當下香港人的非典型讀漫畫的案例。FP member Kel Lok took #7 of the story of Three Hair’s wandering to attempt a book review, which turns out to be an ensemble of personae reading the copy on a poor kid’s encounters in the war-torn years of 1930s-1940s through the lens of a contemporary person. The sensationalist… The skeptic… The indifferent one… The one making detours…

Vanessa Tsai / 台北《巢》 獨立影音計畫 觀後 有感 A visit to Endospace Sound Visual Art’s “Nest”

Vanessa Tsai / 台北《巢》 獨立影音計畫 觀後 有感 A visit to Endospace Sound Visual Art’s “Nest”

《巢》是「安全感」的符號,內部的情感流向自成一體,同時是個「開發可重複利用的媒體裝置」;對訪者來說,強調無敘事的觀賞。據點海外作者蔡季妙於2020年12月底到訪了。巢內部住進皮膚裡的感官思維是怎樣的呢?Nest is the exquisite architectural work of the Ploceidae in nature; “Nest,” now on in Taipei, is an enclosed installation space of internal circulations deploying recyclable media. FP writer Vanessa Tsai just paid a visit.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (四) –《觀星》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 4: “Looking at the Stars.“ Text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (四) –《觀星》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 4: “Looking at the Stars.“ Text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned into wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong was watching the stars inside her own universe. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,在她創造的世界裡觀星。

Floating Projects Collective 2025