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機器學習 Collecting, compiling and variations, 2 new FP creative monographs

機器學習 Collecting, compiling and variations, 2 new FP creative monographs

FP new member Ray LC’s two creative monographs are now available at FP’s sales corner, adding to FP’s growing list of publication which includes anthologies, small-print catalogues, online video zines and zine series. 「據點。句點」新成員羅銳的兩個小量印刷的單行本。一本是作者自行與開源的機器學習協作的詩本創作,探究私密的情感在語文句法的衍生變奏上會變成甚麼。另一本則是對環保認知普及化的回應;收集,遊說,敘事化,一個核心,多方的場景、面貌。

Sam Chan / 從《三毛流浪記》#10 讀到變天的時刻 The denouement of Three Hairs’ Wanderings: anticipating a new habitat

Sam Chan / 從《三毛流浪記》#10 讀到變天的時刻 The denouement of Three Hairs’ Wanderings: anticipating a new habitat

2020年5月,陳顯宗從黎肖嫻手裡拿走了共10冊,於1974-76改編並重發的 1947-49年上海《大公報》連載的《三毛流浪記》的最後一集。時值文革尾聲。為何此時重新整理流浪記?有何逼切性?是「創傷性黑暗時代後價值觀」的重新建立?重新尋找容身之地的時代? Reading the final of the 10 volumes 1976 adaptation of the wanderings of Three Hairs of 1930s-40s, Sam Chan asks if the denouement of the series is also a form of closure to the Cultural Revolution, in search of the ethos and pathos for China’s own post-trauma reconstruction.

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

2020年7月,據點成員駱敏聰從黎肖嫻的手裏取來《三毛流浪記》全集的第七集,寫個自由發揮的「閱讀報告」。三毛的遭遇,在三個「問三毛」的「隨機訪談」中漠然化開了,難成合體的論述;讀故事的人卻在前台亮點。這是個有關當下香港人的非典型讀漫畫的案例。FP member Kel Lok took #7 of the story of Three Hair’s wandering to attempt a book review, which turns out to be an ensemble of personae reading the copy on a poor kid’s encounters in the war-torn years of 1930s-1940s through the lens of a contemporary person. The sensationalist… The skeptic… The indifferent one… The one making detours…

Linda Lai / 我從摩羅上街地攤找到10 冊的《三毛流浪記》連環畫 I picked up The Wanderings of Three Hairs the Waif on Upper Lascar Row

Linda Lai / 我從摩羅上街地攤找到10 冊的《三毛流浪記》連環畫 I picked up The Wanderings of Three Hairs the Waif on Upper Lascar Row

The first of a series of articles on children, comic characters, movies and so on, to explore how the “child” is often the subject and object of interpellation to augment instrumental reasons in population management. Linda Lai started with her research notes on Sanmao (Three Hairs), a kid, a comics character created for adults, who has been “resurrected” constantly since his “birth” in 1930s in Shanghai. 以孩子論說苦難,召喚善心的行動,是人口或國民管理常用的工具理性,也是進步思想的倡議的濃縮再現。其實孩子們都是怎樣長大的?我們都曾是孩子。我們是怎樣活過來的?

Floating Projects Collective 2025