
Category: Personally Speaking 私物語

發明你的字句,操練你的發聲,給未有名字的起個名,為碎片堆築一條路。Share it if we deserve it: thoughts on living and being, poetry, automatic writing… silences, speechlessness, noise, soundings… fragmentary thoughts in search of a path, elliptical sentiments, the unspeakable…

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (3): spit it out… 「大氣中融融細語」(三): 不吐不快

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (3): spit it out… 「大氣中融融細語」(三): 不吐不快

More wavering thought paths… Is remembering the same as nostalgia? What does street photography remember? Shall I be pretty, shall I be loved? What would happen to to me when I die? There are moments when you must spit it out… #4 D-Normal/V-Essay online video zine, collected and edited by Linda Lai. 記住就是懷舊了嗎?街頭攝影可記住的是甚麼?我長大後會漂亮嗎?會有人愛我嗎?我死了以後會怎樣?有些事情,確實不吐不快。… 黎肖嫻蒐集彙編,更多搖擺的思路。《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (2): reconnecting, quarantine diaries… 「大氣中融融細語」(二): 嘗試連線,隔離日記
Cutting Thoughts 04 剪紙憶思之四

Cutting Thoughts 04 剪紙憶思之四

In the 4th piece of her Cutting Thoughts, NY-based artist Cici Wu articulated her liminal state in search of her presence as part of multiple continua — human and cosmic. 《剪紙憶思》之四。武雨濛讓思潮流淌是自由,涓流所到之處風景卻不一樣。個人、存在、氣質,都在眾數的連續體中浮沈、穿梭,自有其道。

Cutting Thoughts 03 剪紙憶思之三

Cutting Thoughts 03 剪紙憶思之三

In the 3rd of a 4-piece contemplation on her overstaying in home city Hong Kong, Cici Wu persists in grasping the complexity of the city’s colonial experience, but can’t help linking that to the impossibility of a definite denouement in life encounters. 《剪紙憶思》之三。讓流淌的思潮穿梭於殖民經驗的繁複性,以至生活機遇的沒有清晰的結局。

Cutting Thoughts 02 剪紙憶思之二

Cutting Thoughts 02 剪紙憶思之二

In the 2nd of a 4-piece contemplation on her overstaying in home city Hong Kong, artist Cici Wu articulated her liminal state as writing and paper-cutting moments. Love has no tenses. Experiences are difficult to compare without a shared framework of value. 《剪紙憶思》之二。讓思潮流淌是自由,涓流所到之處風景卻不一樣。武雨濛的點滴。

Cutting Thoughts 01 剪紙憶思之一

Cutting Thoughts 01 剪紙憶思之一

Part 1 of New York-based HK artist Cici Wu’s diary series during her extended stay in Hong Kong beyond her quarantine, while awaiting the next segment of her journey. Dreams, memories and thoughts blend alongside a series of paper-cutting…

《娛樂至死》讀後,身為教師的自省 A school teaching reading Amusing Ourselves to Death

《娛樂至死》讀後,身為教師的自省 A school teaching reading Amusing Ourselves to Death

因讀書會的推介而細讀波茲曼的《娛樂至死》20週年台灣中譯本的據點作者蔡季妙,深刻檢視了作為自然科學的小學教師的本位,策問:有趣的教學和嚴肅深度的學習真的不可共存?Taiwan-based FP writer and science teacher to children Vanessa Tsai read Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death and asked if she must choose between entertainment and serious teaching in order to be effective, or if that is a false binary.

A poem on the event “Ferocity and Wonderment” 一首關於《殘酷與美好》的詩

A poem on the event “Ferocity and Wonderment” 一首關於《殘酷與美好》的詩

Ferocity & Wonderment, on 2022.01.02-02.05, is coming to its final week of open door. Ma Wik (Joyce), one of the duo, shares a poem she wrote in the process of reconfiguring Floating Projects’ rectangular playground and “growing” the objects in it. … 馬域和汪倩的雙個《殘酷與美好》已來到最後一周。馬域一週接一週的耕耘著據點現場長方形的遊戲空間,設置改動又設置其中的小物,有感而發,寫了一首散文詩。

MA Wik + WONG Sin / Desolate Prairie And Warm Prairie 咀嚼咀嚼⋯⋯荒涼草原與溫暖草原

MA Wik + WONG Sin / Desolate Prairie And Warm Prairie 咀嚼咀嚼⋯⋯荒涼草原與溫暖草原

2022.01.02-02.05. The duo Ma Wik (Joyce) and Wong Sin (Zero) opened their “Ferocity & Wonderment” with a happening impregnated with recitation and sounds. The two artists share the text of their live reading below… 馬域和汪倩的雙個《殘酷與美好》以即興行為作序幕。聲音和朗誦一地灌滿。朗讀的文本在此分享。

總在你身邊 (十):明日的回憶 Just Around You 10: Remembrance of Tomorrow

總在你身邊 (十):明日的回憶 Just Around You 10: Remembrance of Tomorrow

Speaking through faint old objects, FP Manager/writer Wai-leung Lai re-experienced his past as a precarious future as he packed up the public estate flat where he grew up. 與母親收拾細軟之際,據點作者黎偉亮鑽進這個她守望了半個世紀的公屋小宅,順道借舊物說說往事一二,比比今昔。從昏黃細物中,他看見了似近實遠、隱而即現的「未來」。

Floating Projects Collective 2025