
Searching for tag: mixed-media-installation

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Curator Ying-chi Tang sees the present in the 5 stories of the past that harp back onto the 1960s-1970s, arguing that the public and domestic are integrally one, as the artists in the group show present. 策展人鄧凝姿眼中的「縫補歲月」不單是上世紀的六七十年代,也是構成今天的一部份;透過五位創作者的視野,她看見公共領域和家居細活之間的千絲萬縷。

A poem on the event “Ferocity and Wonderment” 一首關於《殘酷與美好》的詩

A poem on the event “Ferocity and Wonderment” 一首關於《殘酷與美好》的詩

Ferocity & Wonderment, on 2022.01.02-02.05, is coming to its final week of open door. Ma Wik (Joyce), one of the duo, shares a poem she wrote in the process of reconfiguring Floating Projects’ rectangular playground and “growing” the objects in it. … 馬域和汪倩的雙個《殘酷與美好》已來到最後一周。馬域一週接一週的耕耘著據點現場長方形的遊戲空間,設置改動又設置其中的小物,有感而發,寫了一首散文詩。

Floating Projects Collective 2025