發明你的字句,操練你的發聲,給未有名字的起個名,為碎片堆築一條路。Share it if we deserve it: thoughts on living and being, poetry, automatic writing… silences, speechlessness, noise, soundings… fragmentary thoughts in search of a path, elliptical sentiments, the unspeakable…
新生代的來臨該衷心祝福吧。此時此刻,送上最好的願望。The arrival of a new life itself deserves whole-hearted celebrations...
Between 2000 and 2020, a 6'38" single-take video footage has been turned into a generative series of art moments crossing artistic genres -- from videography, vocalization, sound collage, performance, sound sculpture, back to videography -- all manifesting automatism as a principle, and improvization as a main artistic method. Only the maker Linda Lai herself could elaborate on this secret history of emergence.
A teacher who passed on more than knowledge, but inspirations. FP writer Vanessa Tsai, a teacher herself, has been inspired by Wu Sheng. 傳授知識是老師的職責,單單傳授知識的老師,也算是一個老師。「據點。句點」寫作人蔡季妙國中時遇過一個不僅單單傳授知識的老師,老師老了,相處回憶串串,縷縷如煙,卻常存心中。不求聞達不望回報,春風化雨,無聲無息潤澤大地,這是一個好老師成就另一個好老師的故事。
Space-action-interpretation. Cluster-distribution. Network-dispersion. Three locales. Distanced intimacy. Past is the present. FPC member Winsome Wong’s first solo at the Floating Projects. 以空間實作為演繹。簇的分配成為延散的網路。三種實地,遙遠的扣緊。從前就在當下。「據點。句點」成員黃慧心首度據點打開門。
After a summer’s COVID delay, Linda Lai’s 10957 Moons (= 30 years) finally got projected onto a wall on Macau’s Oxware House alongside 12 artists’ works. EXiM 2022: Experimental Video Festival. 6-27 September 2022. I was stunned by the bigger-than life-size chairs projected. The elegant chair dances and intimate chair talks I sought to conceive, […]
Emerging from a group-reading session of Levander and Guerl’s Hotel Life , F-Teatime contributor Vanessa Tsai reflects on herself as a lone sojourner. Anything can happen…? 。「據點。句點」寫作人蔡季妙借「旅館」讀書會探討人與旅館的關係,亦訴說天涯孤客的心情:浪跡異地,各有懷抱,前路茫不可知,誰也像浮萍,誰也需要一個安心所。(
In an unplanned hanging out in summer, Taiwan-based FP writer Vanessa Tsai found her direct encounter with the “Brown Land Crabs” (aka Chestnut crabs, or red-claw crabs) invoking interspecies thinking: must we sustain human survival at the cost of natural survival? 據點駐台作者蔡季妙趁暑假鬆一口氣,隨心的到台南曾文溪口一遊,正值「凶狠圓軸蟹」產卵時節,觸發了「種間思維」對人和自然共生的必要性。
人的一生從呱呱墜地開始,長大後會變成怎樣,誰也說不準。平凡人往往有不平凡的一面 …。 “What would become of me?” One could only wait to be surprised, FP writer Wai-leung Lai writes.
In one long take in words, perhaps with folds of internal montage, Martin Yeung takes us into a zone of truncated space, automatic acts and fragmented speech, like the hollow in a cracked mirror. Familiar or not, it is Yeung’s way to conclude his four years of undergraduate education. 楊錫齋站在四年大學畢業峰涯留下的足跡?這短篇像夢,同時是厚潤的筆觸,一筆到底,形骸飄晃著,細緻綿密,卻只聽見回音。她一句又一個她的再一句,似曾相識。一鏡到底。折叠無盡的蒙太奇。
Wavering thought paths as collage-montage videos… Speak to the air, trust that magic is just around the corner; most importantly, to Love is to Be…#4 D-Normal/V-Essay online video zine, collected and edited by Linda Lai. 說出來吧!天大地大, 魔法就在身邊。會有人愛我嗎?這確實需要點自我勸解。… 黎肖嫻蒐集彙編,搖擺的思路發了聲。《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。