
Searching for tag: family-history

Two to three things about Father’s recollection of his parents 1960s-80s, and the untold facts of his writing journey 有關父親的回顧和上世紀文字活動的二三事:我的二十一世紀回望

Two to three things about Father’s recollection of his parents 1960s-80s, and the untold facts of his writing journey 有關父親的回顧和上世紀文字活動的二三事:我的二十一世紀回望

Taking her work as an open-journey in progress, Winsome Wong's "Blanks in the Pictures" are partially filled her father’s writings which take her to new discovery. Her response to father’s piece...黃慧心的《照片的空白》因著父親的寫作而豐滿了?發問的行動和帶關注的好奇心,刷新了黃慧心的創作模式。唸完父親的述說,對父親、祖父母和一九六零年代有了新的感觸。

Jess Lau / 藉水而流的家族故事 Family stories along the flow

Jess Lau / 藉水而流的家族故事 Family stories along the flow

眼前的一切像多年的堆積,與之共存的是看不見的已被拆毀的家族過去的小節的餘韻。說到家族,也不是家國大族的堂煌,而是一張具體的網,連接、輸送、維繫,有個物理的據點。據點藝術家劉清華的「田野」訪談,拖出了「生存」的問題。如何活?我們如何從過去走到當下?過去的可以延伸下去,因為我們記得,而且還(用方法)記住。A community art project opens the door to a street of rich family stories in To Kwa Wan (Kowloon) for FP artist Jess Lau, thus also an old family story she has not dared to touch until now. Unlike tycoon stories of a growing empire, ordinary family stories are full of “holes” irreparable yet holding together those who refuse to forget.

Floating Projects Collective 2025