![大頭落山: 畢業作品放映會 (最後一場:據點。句點)[Be the First Rolling Stones! Go down the hill, have our own screening]](https://fpchk.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/2016/09/be-the-first-rolling-stone-web.jpg)
大頭落山: 畢業作品放映會 (最後一場:據點。句點)[Be the First Rolling Stones! Go down the hill, have our own screening]
大頭落山: 畢業作品放映會 (最後一場:據點。句點)
話說,大頭落山是一項「自然現象」,此現象衍生了一班學生的討論和自主放映的行動。放映行動源於某畢業生希望打破「只在學校做畢業展」的慣例,嘗試在網上聚合一些人,一同做作品展示。同時,思考學校、畢業、作品、展覽、藝術和資本當中的關係和問題。大頭碌落山時遇見了不同的頭:包括城大創意媒體系不同年代的師兄姊、不同院校的畢業生、畢業後仍在拍片的某某人。 除了這些頭和各頭的作品,我們沒有其他資源,但我們仍然希望尋找山下的觀眾,希望遇見更多的頭。
有幸得到「碧街18號」、「伙食工業」、「Floating Projects」支持,為「大頭落山:畢業作品放映會」提供放映空間。我們的畢業作品/非畢業作品將會進行三場放映,每場放映會均設映後談,期待作品與觀眾互相撞擊,產生電光石火。
十月初的第三場會在「Floating Projects」 (據點。句點)舉辦。它是聚集了各類年輕藝術家的藝術工場,並持續舉辦不同的藝術展覽、放映會、分享會等活動。
《動動像之西遊記》 2015/動動像/ 錄像表演 導演:譚永標
《斷捨離:自己 自己延伸對話》 2016/實驗/51分53秒 導演:丁卓藍
《⌘C ⌘V +》 2016/實驗性影像、動畫/4 分30秒 導演:朱穎甄
《自動機器》 2015/動畫/3分19秒 導演:駱敏聰
《今日星期幾》 2014/實驗/22分鐘 導演:楊凱婷
《小說無用》 2014/實驗民族誌/31分22秒 導演:張健文
《老子。著錯了》 2014/實驗/11分52秒 導演:李偉盛
《手持攝影機的人》 2014/紀錄/7分31秒 導演:廖韜 全長143分鐘
[Be the First Rolling Stones! Go down the hill, have our own screening] Rolling stones go downhill is a "natural phenomenon", this phenomenon raises a group of students to discuss and organize their screening themselves. The spontaneous action stems from a hope to break the practice: graduation show only hold in school’s exhibitions, to try gathering some people to do exhibitions out of school together. At the same time, have reflections about school authorization, education, graduation, works, exhibitions, art and capitalism among the system we are living in. On the way, different heads have been met down here: including alumni from CityU Creative Media, graduates from different institutions and also, somebody who are still filming after graduation. We have the momentum but we have no other resources, besides our works, and the heads of the heads. We are eager to meet the audience all over the town. And we hope some more heads will join us. We would like to acknowledge the support from "18 Pitt Street," "Fooody" and "Floating Projects", for provide the screening venues.
There will be three screenings for our graduation works/ non-graduation works. Each screening will be followed by an after-screening talk. All are welcome and looking forward to have interaction with each other!
*Screening Venues Introduction*
(1) 23 July@ No. 18 Pitt Street Community Experimental Space, Yau Ma Tei A non-commercial space aims to gather collective input from neighborhoods, having faith in "space belong to everyone". While Earth's resources are privatized, land is being planned for sale with increasing price, "18 Pitt Street," also known as "Capitalism Rehabilitation Centre", hoping more people recognize their own situation, and would recovered gradually. (This space will be terminated on July 31, 2016.)
(2) 30 July@ Fooody, Fo Tan This is a restaurant, the owner has great passion in art. "New Wave Motion" held screenings here on a regular basis together with the "Creative Exchange Group". "New Wave Motion" will be the co-operater of the screening and will host the "Creative Exchange Group". Anything about creation of images can be discussed in the group: Cinema, experiments, scripts, ideas… etc. All kinds of sharing are welcome.
(3) Early October@ Floating Projects, Wong Chuk Hang It is an aggregate of all types of art workshops for young artists, and continues to organize various art exhibitions, screenings, sharing sessions and other activities.
Welcome to grab a cup of coffee here, and support the continuous development of this space with free donation~
*Screening Program*
Moving Moving Images : Journey to the West - 2015/ Moving Moving Images / video performance Director: Bill, Tam Wing Piu
Mourning - The Extended dialogue of Me Myself 2016/ Experimental / 51min53s Director: Ding Cheuk Laam
⌘C ⌘V + : 2016/ Experimental / Animation / 4min30s Director: June, Chu Wing Yan
Automatic Machine - 2015/ Animation / 3 min19s Director: Kel, Lok Man Chung
What Day Is Today - 2014/ Experimental / 22min Director: Yeung Hoi Ting
A Useless Fiction - 2014/ Experimental ethnography / 31min22s Director: Cheong Kin Man
C:/my favourite/HomeVideo - 2014/ Experimental / 11 min52s Director: Lee Wai Shing
A Tiny Handheld Camera - 2014/ Documentary / 7min31s Director: Liu To Total duration: 143 min