
Category: Seriously Speaking 大聲發表

心裡無雲,都總可以推理治情,開拓感知。水中有明鏡,明鏡在心中。又或者,有些事情你總是咬著不放。You deserve to be heard. Features, expository and argumentative pieces, in-depth commentary and research-based writing… … Our mind takes forms — thought paths, a statue, a floating object, a system of tales, …

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

A deliberate dual emphasis on domestic artists and international stars, the care for documentation and criticism as regular agenda items, and growing experiments on alternative independent art-space models from within the art community… Evelyn Char notes her observation in a recent art tour to Gwangju and Seoul.

Winnie Yan / 聲音觀察誌 Observing sounds…

Winnie Yan / 聲音觀察誌 Observing sounds…

Winnie Yan recounts her stagger towards appreciating sound-making that encourages the immediacy of exchange versus music for trained ears… 忻慧妍的聲音觀察誌 - 如何一步一步挨近聲音藝術。

Linda Lai / A constellation with dotted connectivity: why I made a dispersive monument
LAI Wai-leung / 生有可戀: 香港的學生,曾經這樣過活的。Life worth living: HK students once upon a time
LAI Wai-leung / 這一夜,看不到黎明 This night, no dawn…

LAI Wai-leung / 這一夜,看不到黎明 This night, no dawn…

“This night, no dawn…,” FP writer W.L. Lai ruminates and asks, “What was it that took these young people to the street on a day when they could have been drinking, eating and fun-making?” 這一夜,看不到黎明 / 黎偉亮

WONG Chun-hoi /《十年》,二十日後感  Ten Years
LAI Wai-leung / Wanchai 灣仔
Winnie Yan / 親愛的朋友呀你在想什麼

Winnie Yan / 親愛的朋友呀你在想什麼

「其實我不明白甚麼是好的藝術,那些大師的作品嘛,很多地方都看不懂。」她說。大概是因為同學對她的作品都持有頗兩極的意見,她一下子招架不住了,需要一個「結論」。 每當看到意念非常前衛又或是視覺上不甚麼討好的作品,我總會開玩笑般跟朋友說:「但願我一生也看不懂藝術。」。其實無論怎樣努力,我都一定不會懂藝術的。可 是,即使我能擁有超能力,可以一夜間明白藝術也好,我也寧願它是本永遠也翻不完的書。看完一本耐人尋味的書,心裏總會有一點難纏的空洞。

LAI Wai-leung / 方興未艾的戰爭:創意/文化成產業 Creativity/culture turned industry, a brewing battle

LAI Wai-leung / 方興未艾的戰爭:創意/文化成產業 Creativity/culture turned industry, a brewing battle

[source of banner image: http://www.artsportagecounty.org/our-initiatives/creative-economy-inventory-project/] 『創意產業』,一個看似原創的名詞,初聽到時,口中唸著唸著,總有種怪怪的欠缺自然的感覺,感覺何來?我嘗試用普通常識、常人角度對這複合名詞說出常人一般的聯想。 創意:純大腦運作。建基於固有知識,源於生活並帶有改善生活的功能;亦可天馬行空,作前人之未作,純粹為解放固有觀念或思想。兩者皆以 social innovation為目的。 產業:牽涉土地運用、人力資源、融資、成本控制,旨在以最低成本謀取最高回報並尋求不斷的利潤增長。 啊…….. 彷然大悟! 這兩種東西之間原來存在著根本上的矛盾,硬把它們拉一起,甚至產生邏輯上的謬誤。 規劃化後的『創意產業』論述可又另一回事。

LAI Wai-leung / 這裏 Here (at Floating Projects)

LAI Wai-leung / 這裏 Here (at Floating Projects)

FP writer, manager and barista Wai-leung Lai speaks of his 3-month experience at Floating Projects as a non-artist. 「據點」作者、場地經理、咖啡師黎偉亮從藝術圈局外人的觀點談「據點」籌備至開幕的三個月的所見所聞。

Floating Projects Collective 2025