心裡無雲,都總可以推理治情,開拓感知。水中有明鏡,明鏡在心中。又或者,有些事情你總是咬著不放。You deserve to be heard. Features, expository and argumentative pieces, in-depth commentary and research-based writing… … Our mind takes forms — thought paths, a statue, a floating object, a system of tales, …
FP writer Winnie Yan’s thoughts on the unique, interchangeable place of the artist’s hands and eyes, and the pro-musicial quality of moving image streams, were provoked in her visit at the EXiS 2018 while contemplating the works of montage masters such as Stan Brakhage and Robert Breer, and recently fuelled by her direct encounter with 16mm filmmaking. 「據點」作者忻慧妍遊訪首爾的實驗電影與錄像節2018,眼前眾蒙太奇大師如Stan Brakhage 和 Robert Breer 的作品,加上個人近期親身「落手」的16釐米電影拍攝經驗,勾起了各種對活動影像的迷思:手與眼的結合,影像流的近音樂性等等。
作為一個進深的影像活動研究者,張子木回顧剛完滿結束的羅海德首個個展(「文字機器創作集」第六輯),探出有別於一般影像創作的理路、胸襟。Zhang Zimu, advanced researcher of moving image events, sheds light on Hector Rodriguez’s unusual rationale, impulses, technical and theoretical approaches to moving-image making as critique, as were articulated in the first solo show he just completed for the the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.
黎肖嫻談粵語電影通俗劇的操作,以至吳子昆於「文字機器創作集」第6輯「象裡有象:通電作影」之《全情定位漂浮系統》(2018年9月1日開幕)的媒體分解遊戲 | notes by Linda Lai on melodrama’s nature and Kwan’s treatment in [G]Local Empathy System (opening 1 September 2018, curated by Lai), the first of a 3-exhibition series, “Cinema Expanding: Visualizing the Unseen,” the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.
A visit to Gwangju Biennale alerted FPC member Lee Kai-chung to the possibilities of doing an artist’s residency in Seoul to study archiving practices for art, which he did and shared upon his return to HK in “Can’t Live Without.” 「這次駐場計劃是基於第一次在光州雙年展後到訪過MMCA作資料搜集的經驗出發的。那時其實並不知道有駐場計劃可以申請,只是純屬對一個藝術館的好奇…」
To those who have watched his apparently uneventful video Morning screened at the recent Fresh Wave 2017, Don Tsang unravels the “thick and dense” thoughts underlying the work. 曾旭熙說《無念》:平淡的家常”細藝”背後的密集思考…
A moving image program Linda C.H. Lai curated for Art Central 2017 brought together film projection and digital imaging works to show experiments and innovations transcend what we call old and new media…
“Be the rolling stones,” an alter graduation art show, ignited discussions on experimental actions and moving images as the makers’ unique connection with the lifeworld. Winnie Yan interviewed some of the participating artists…
A casual chat in a summer afternoon among 3 FP members ignited childhood passion and intellectual curiosity, leading to a toy show in November. “Wai and Kel’s model making involves intense concentration and techniques that parallel … art making,” Andio Lai discovers.
Evelyn Char explores South Korea’s biggest state-own Asia Culture Center, which archives art historical documents from various countries in Asia. She discovers that this new national monumental sits right on the former site of the 10-day long Gwuangju (Kwangju) Uprising in 1980 (aka May 18 Democratic Uprising, UNESCO), or Gwangju Democratization Movement.
Photographer Vicky Do reviews “What Do You Want For Tomorrow” (2016.08.10-2016.09.26, HK Heritage Museum) curated by Wong Wo-bik and Stella Tang. She finds this 12-woman art event more than a photography show or one that tokenizes women.