
Searching for tag: everyday-objects

Money Supply: 4 episodes 貨幣供應:四種座標

Money Supply: 4 episodes 貨幣供應:四種座標

“Money Supply” 《貨幣供應》 a show by Yasmine Huang, opened on a quiet Saturday on 11 May, to explore how art and social criticism may work together. The opening gathered a dozen of spontaneous visitors who readily turned her concern into ramifications of many burning questions of art beyond politics. 《貨幣供應》在晴朗溫煦的週末黃昏開幕,黃安瀾的四組作品是她對藝術創作與息息相關的生活、經濟課題可以如何銜接的策問,由研究出發,招引到場的來訪者恰巧都興致勃勃,把眼前的作品打開,引發各種與創作有關的閒談。

Everlyn Char, Yang Yeung, Eddie Cheung / Distance of Space, Materialized bodily presence: visitors’ notes 訪者絮語:文美桃彼岸之地
FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

《計劃聚集》為「據點。句點」的原生遊戲系列《黃竹坑聚疊》。句點藝術群體會在區內拾遺,不加思索地處理著現成物料,推斷著現成/被棄物的物理性,可衍生的下一步,聚疊遊戲後又衍生即興演出《據點空間壓力測試》系列。是次據點聚疊這空間「變形蟲」外遊來到了台北的非常廟藝文空間。王鎮海作了詳盡的記述。Wong Chun-hoi, FP’s Artistic Engineer, keeps a dense record of the process of staging FP’s Assemblage game in a gallery in Taipei.

Kel Lok / 剩物變變變…點止怪物咁簡單!From the scraps: more than monsters!

Kel Lok / 剩物變變變…點止怪物咁簡單!From the scraps: more than monsters!

Kel Lok, FP member, artist of “Toy as Medium” and workshop host for “Monster Assemblage,” shares with us the more-than-monsters created on 3 December 2016 with visitor-participants.

CHEUK Wing-nam / Gundamzeta [玩具之間 “Toy as Medium” count-down]
LAI Wai-leung / Long Time no see: TAMIYA-Tiger 1 再度重遇「你」: 田宮「虎一」戰車 [玩具之間 “Toy as Medium” count-down]
WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

Critique, review, critique, self-discovery, artistic experimentation, critique, articulation, self-discovery… Wong Fuk-kuen finds himself in this recurrent routine Floating Projects highly values. Extreme modes of artistic exploration of things in our physical world often push us (him) in the direction of science… Danger, Wong finds, is the unique interface he generates in his exploration.

CHEUK Wing-nam /「觸不感」觸及我創作的靈感技術資源以至藝術界別的區分
Linda Lai / A constellation with dotted connectivity: why I made a dispersive monument
Floating Projects Collective 2025