
Searching for tag: d-normal-v-essay

Linda Lai / Video Essays as a Minor Literature 《平地數碼》。平地素馬,塵埃落定透微言。

Linda Lai / Video Essays as a Minor Literature 《平地數碼》。平地素馬,塵埃落定透微言。

Minority or majority is not about numbers. Majority practices could often be the conventions set by the minority few whereas what is broadly held may not be represented as “majority” positions. Being in the minority is not being weak. A “minor literature,” to Deleuze, is a strategic position whereby “de-territorialization” begins. 多數或少數與數量無關;多數人奉行的操作可以是少數人所決定的,而大部分人視以為閒常的,未必為主導主流所涵蓋以至突顯。特勒茲論述中的「少數文學」是個可用的據點,是語言表述活動的「反山頭主義式佔領」的開始。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to  “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

The video essay is an expanding category, from the “film essay” named in the 1960s, generally considered non-fiction, to possible renewal of late 19th-C traveling lecture events which embraces pedagogic as much as fun purposes. Video essay is a form of “direct action” for the here and now, a critical response to the crisis of moving image as mnemontechnics (memory machines) that undermines our agency. 據點的《平地數碼》(2020年11月只2021年6月)志在翻開「散文電影」的系譜溯源,通過延伸的想像,擴大今時今日「錄像文章」的可用性以至成為如何活在當下的據點,對知識的守護和創造採取直接行動。請留意11月5日錄像文章比賽的正式發佈。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Invoking the term “video essay,” Floating Projects advances into a new experiment – to generate a new virtual community through sharing thoughts and sentiments as short videos, a tactical move in our milieu of media convergence. The video essay competition is an experimental action about naming and renaming, and how to survive contemporary society in which personal articulation is more often shut off and short-circuited than encouraged, wherever we are.

Floating Projects Collective 2025