Toy As Medium 3 |玩具媒介 3
Toy As Medium 3 |玩具媒介 3
打開門展示 Open Door Showcase
日期 Date:11/1/2024 -9/2/2024(*星期一closes on Monday)
開幕 Opening : 13/01/2024 (SAT) 6:00PM
時間 Time:下午 2:00-8:00 PM
在 2016 年以據點聚疊的型態開始,經過了七年的實驗與轉化,《玩具媒介》終於來到第3次了。由童年回憶作為起點,學習如何以玩具物料當切入點,進一步演變成藝術創作方法。由個人的經驗到玩具媒介’考古’,過程中我們發現了現在的創作跟小時侯的興趣有多接近。從情境模型攝影到遊戲枱工程,延伸至媒體藝術的影像聲音及遊戲互動,希望透過《玩具媒介3》分享我們創作以及實驗過程!
It all began in 2016 as a form of Floating Projects assemblage. After 7 years of experimentation and transformation, ‘Toy as Medium’ has finally reached the third edition. Inspired by childhood memories, we explored ways to kickstart our creativity reflecting on the toy materials, which gradually evolved into our works. Through recalling personal experiences and the archaeology of toys, we discovered how close our current creations are to the hobbies we had in our youth. From model sceneries to game table systems, the show extends beyond the audiovisual and playful interaction, we wish to share our works and experimentation processes at the <Toy as Medium 3> !
During the period, guided tours, workshops and sharing sessions will be announced. Stay tuned!