句點藝術群體@類聚集 ensemble
類聚集 ensemble 2017.06.03 - 2017.07.03
非常廟藝文空間 VT Artsalon
Man Mei To, Jolene Mok, Stephen Wong Chun Hei, Tang Kwok Hin, Archive of the People, Moving Moving Image, Floating Projects Collective, THE LIBRARY by soundpocket
策展人 葉啟俊 Curated by Yip Kai Chun
--- 開幕茶會 Opening reception|2017.06.03 (六 Sat) 17:00 導想 及 座談 Tour & talk
|2017.06.03 (六 Sat) 15:00 表演 - 動動像 之 武俠片 Performance - Moving Moving Images: Wuxia movie
|2017.06.03 (六 Sat) 18:00 / 19:00 非常廟藝文空間 (台灣台北市新生北路三段56巷17號B1) VT Artsalon (B1F., No.17, Ln. 56, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan) www.vtartsalon.com 02-2597-2525 info@vtartsalon.com
贊助單位 Sponsor| 展覽資助 Exhibition sponsored by | 香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港民政事務署 Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau
--- 分類/ 積聚/ 結集 <類聚集>以「樣本」為主旨,集結以此為命題、創作過程、展現方式,而題材媒介迥然的作品,繼而試圖思考「策展」在展覽中的角色,以及和創作之間的關係。 展覽名稱<類聚集>意味其構成:每件作品都將同「類」「聚」合,而展覽本身又「聚集」了這類作品。故此,<類聚集>本身和當中每件作品,都可視為一個由眾多「樣本」集結而成的「檔案」。 <類聚集>集合八件香港作品;「樣本」在每件作品的作用,都各有不同:以現成樣本為創作材料,在創作過程中建立樣本,以製作檔案為創作手法,又或是借樣本的形式展視作品等。每件作品中的樣本和取樣過程,同樣重要。 策展亦常是個「取樣」、「立檔」的過程:依照特定方式揀選作品,勾勒作品之間的關聯,建立論述。同是「取樣」,<類聚集>中的藝術創作和策展,可有比平日更多相通之處?兩者的「取樣」過程差異何在?
--- Categorise / Accumulate / Gather “ensemble” gathers artworks with propositions, creative processes and modes of presentation relating to the theme of “sampling”. The artworks are of completely diverse topics and media. This exhibition thus tries to explore the role of “curation” as well as its relationship with artistic creation. As the title “ensemble” reflects, this exhibition is a collection of collections − each piece “accumulates” works of the same “category”, while the exhibition itself “gathers” works of this kind. That said, “ensemble” itself and every work in the collection can be viewed as an “archive” comprised of numerous “samples” in a broader sense. “ensemble” has brought together eight Hong Kong artworks, where sampling serves different functions − some use ready-made samples as the creative materials; some form samples in the creative process; some consider archive-making as the creative approach; some adopt sampling as the mode of presentation..., etc. Nonetheless, both the samples and the sampling process play a significant role in each and every artwork. Often, the curation process also involves sampling and constructing an “archive”. The curator selects the artworks based on a specific approach, before drawing connections in between. In the case of “ensemble”, artistic creation and curation both involve sampling. Have these two elements got more similarities than they usually do? How are the two sampling processes different from each other? [facebook event page] [documentation of FPC's work @ensemble]