City of Sounds: Review 123 days 育聲.我城.電樂展
Event held by Twenty Alpha
育聲.我城.電樂展 City of Sounds: Review 123 days 特別節目
音樂表演 Live Performance:09/07/2016 18:00-19:00
演出:Sin:Ned(黃仲輝) + 3x3x3(Steev Saunders)、李穎姍 (Fiona Lee)、何謙信 (Bjorn Ho)
展覽 Exhibition:08/07/2016 17:00-20:00 | 09-10/07/2016 12:00-20:00
地點: Floating Projects 據點。句點 | 黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室
關於「育聲‧電樂」 何鴻毅家族基金「藝術‧改寫香港-本地文化藝術資助計劃」全力支持,香港首個免費聲音實驗藝術教育計劃。敢於創新,社區為本,以創意手法收集社區聲音,透過聲音記錄配合影像/文字混合媒體學習創作。藉著城市角落人情事物,藝術家引導青年人以當下視點踐實驗態度,以前衛藝術精神再生聲音形象,重「見」重「聽」於社區之中。
About City of Sounds: Supported by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, City of Sounds is a community project dedicated to the education of sound art. The project aspires to collect pieces of sound from the community in an imaginative way, and to lead young people to reflect on their surrounding environment. Individuals experiment to break various paradigms and allow their unique perspectives to intertwine with videos and text - a fundamental exploration of the creation and conception of art and music is hence actualized. A new form of mixed media blends with an avant-garde demeanor, together they create a collage of sound that could (re)examine the relationship between community and its inhabitants.
https://www.facebook.com/20alpha/ http://www.rhfamilyfoundation.org/