Circuit: Cinema & Meditation 虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院 2023.02.11-26
INTERACTIVE EXPANDED CINEMA || Circuit: Cinema & Meditation 虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院 || Artist: NG Sing-yiu 伍昇耀
Site-specific installation @Floating Projects | 2023.02.11-26 | (14:00-20:00) | Tuesdays to Sundays
A re-definition of cinema could be to challenge its entertainment orientation, to turn it into an exercise of presencing our conscious mind, to invoke sight and sound through our sense of touch. – FP editor
What is a movie? What is cinema? A room in a luxurious plaza with a large screen that keeps playing Hollywood movies? … Simple questions that seem naive. This artist is not satisfied with easy answers.
Artist Ng Sing Yiu had worked in the post-production industry for a few years, after which he became serious with critically reflecting upon practices in movie production. After learning art knowledge in a new media program, his attention was drawn to experimental approaches in moving images and non-plot based narrative. Groping, comprehending, and merging the knowledge on those different aesthetic aspects until today, he has appealed to the concept of Expanded Cinema, then combined the topic of meditation and abstract visual effect as a cinematic interactive installation – Circuit. In the exhibition Circuit, audiences can experience the core artwork Circuit and its corresponding cinematic artworks on 11-26 Feb. Yoga sharer and teacher – Sheung Ning, meditation facilitator – Gala and musician Ar Nic also have been invited for leading a series of spiritual practices at “Floating Projects” on JCCAC Shek Kip Mei. Those spiritual events expand the meditative experience in artwork Circuit closer to audiences, thereby rethinking about the possibility of movie, art and spirit together.
Circuit is an experimental cinema experience constructed by a series of abstract visual-effect sequences without characters. Through interacting with the singing bowl-liked installation, visitors expand their consciousness into different sections of the movie to fill the place of the absent protagonist. By becoming the invisible protagonist, visitors wander in the midst of spiritual meditative energy, in a kind of non-haptic as journey, facilitated by the mingling flow of subtle variation of visual and sound. … The site-specific set-up of the installation as well as the viewing experience entailed challenges the entertainment-oriented mode of cinema to attempt possible re-definitions. (NG Sing-yiu)

Workshop hosts: Sheung Ning (yoga sharer): Gala (meditation facilitator)
[https://www.floatingprojectscollective.net/events/Circuit-3-workshops] registration required
workshop series (in Cantonese) || 2023.02.12 (Sun) | 15:00-16:30 | Relaxation Sound Bath 舒壓聲頻浴 || 2023.02.18 (Sat) | 15:00-16:30 | Yoga Nidra 瑜珈睡眠 || 2023.02.25 (Sat) | 15:00-16:30 | Experimental Chanting/Meditation 音樂唱誦共修

About the Artist NG Sing-yiu Stanley 伍昇耀
創作領域主要圍繞 新媒體藝術 / 藝術性動畫 / 動態圖像 / 插畫。
Hongkongese artist, stands for freedom with no doubt.
Active in New Media Art / Abstract Animation / Motion Graphic / Illustration.
After having completed an animation higher diploma programme, Stanley worked in creative industry around five years. For the purpose of pursuing an artistic breakthrough and interdisciplinary mindset, Stanley started his academic study as a bachelor of art at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. After graduating, Stanley is still seeking for knowledge, in order to develop at the aspect of new media art.

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