"Life On the Move": Kinchoi Lam's print and new book launch, FP Open Door 林建才:「生活在旅途中」版畫及新書發報
Floating Projects (JCCAC L3-06D) 據點打開門 「旅居在外兩年,林氏藉著觀察不同國家人民的生活,反思“家”對於自己的意義。2019年新年,在撒哈拉沙漠的旅程上,他第一次遇到遊牧民,這些居無定所的人帶著自己飼養的牲畜在山坡、湖邊和綠州之間穿梭、生活,他們以大地為家,帶著數件行李,去到那裡都很珍惜和保護大自然提供的資源。這次的經驗啟發林氏創作〈遊牧—生活在旅途中〉一書,作品歷時三年的研究和創作。本書記錄世界上現存的七個遊牧民族,從蒙古高原至北極苔原;由亞馬遜森林到撒哈拉沙漠。他們的生活方式和傳統文化提供了一個窗口,讓我們窺探並思考生活樣貌的種種可能性。」 I was inspired to write “Nomads - Life on the Move” during a journey to the heart of the Sahara Desert. It seemed no matter how deep into the desert we drove, there were groups of people herding animals and carrying water to temporary accommodation that was far off the electrical grid. I am a seasoned traveller – I have moved country and house more times than I can count, but this was a different league altogether. The more I thought about it, the more it made me question; what makes a home, and how have our lives become so reliant on objects and walls, and so separated from the realities of weather and nature. This project explores different ways of living, that maybe we need now more than ever. It looks at seven nomadic cultures today; from the Nenets of Siberia to the Yanomami of the Amazon rainforest. Their lifestyles and traditions offer a window on a simpler way of living; one that can connect us with ancient human history and with this planet that we all call home. OPEN DOOR 打開門| 2022.11.05, 6pm 據點。句點(石硤尾白田街30號 JCCAC L3-06D) 每日二至八,星期一除外 Floating Projects (L3-06D JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street) Tue-Sun 2-8pm Daily (Closed on Monday) Sharing: Picture book and Printmaking 分享會:繪本與版畫 19.11.2022, 4-6 pm Contact 聯絡 www.lamkinchoi.com ++++++++++++ WORKSHOPS 工作坊 深水埗寫生工作坊 Sham Shui Po sketch workshop | 2022.11.12, 3-6 pm 我相信每個人觀看世界的感受都不一樣,寫生正是透過繪畫這種媒介以展示自己眼中世界模樣的一種方式。本工作坊將帶領參加者到深水埗,透過觀察和練習, 呈現他們眼中的社區,同時發掘當中的故事。 本工作坊將介紹寫生的技巧及展現其可能性,參加者將會得到一本寫生本及一套寫生工具,並可完成最少5張寫生作品。 單刷版畫工作坊 Monotype workshop | 2022.11.13, 3-6 pm 版畫創作講求耐性、創意及需要創作者擁抱驚喜。單刷版畫是一種可透過「加減法」去創作的獨特媒介,透過直接在膠板上繪畫和塗改去創作,它也是學習和認識其他版種的最佳入門方式/渠道。 本工作坊將介紹單刷版畫的技法及展現其可能性,參加者將可完成最少兩張單刷版畫作品。 ------- 地點:JCCAC L306D 費用:每人港幣 $400 (一個工作坊,已包括所有所需材料) 對象:參加者毋須任何藝術創作經驗,只要對寫生/版畫 / 繪本創作有興趣即可。 語言:廣東話 人數:每班10 人(5人以上開班) 報名及查詢:我將會以電郵發送付款方式,請於2天內提交付款證明。倘有逾期,名額將開放給其他參加者,不作另行通知。 如有任何疑問,歡迎 pm 或留言 About the artist and workshop leader 導師簡介: Kin-choi Lam's artistic creation covers prints and illustration. He graduated from City University of Hong Kong's School of Creative Media in 2012, and received his Master's degree in children book illustration from Anglia Ruskin University. He is currently running print workshops at M+ museum. He is winner of the Batsford Prize 2021 (UK) and Bologna 2020 Illustrators Exhibition, among other international prizes. 林建才為香港藝術家,創作媒介包括版畫及繪本。他 2012 年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,並於2020年在 Anglia Ruskin University取得兒童書插畫碩士學位 。 現於M+ 博物館教授版畫工作坊。 林建才是英國 Batsford Prize 2021 的得獎者,作品曾入選2020波隆那插畫展和世界插畫獎。