Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (四) –《觀星》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 4: “Looking at the Stars.“ Text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (四) –《觀星》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 4: “Looking at the Stars.“ Text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned into wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong was watching the stars inside her own universe. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,在她創造的世界裡觀星。

Jess Lau / 藉水而流的家族故事 Family stories along the flow

Jess Lau / 藉水而流的家族故事 Family stories along the flow

眼前的一切像多年的堆積,與之共存的是看不見的已被拆毀的家族過去的小節的餘韻。說到家族,也不是家國大族的堂煌,而是一張具體的網,連接、輸送、維繫,有個物理的據點。據點藝術家劉清華的「田野」訪談,拖出了「生存」的問題。如何活?我們如何從過去走到當下?過去的可以延伸下去,因為我們記得,而且還(用方法)記住。A community art project opens the door to a street of rich family stories in To Kwa Wan (Kowloon) for FP artist Jess Lau, thus also an old family story she has not dared to touch until now. Unlike tycoon stories of a growing empire, ordinary family stories are full of “holes” irreparable yet holding together those who refuse to forget.

Linda Lai / Video Essays as a Minor Literature 《平地數碼》。平地素馬,塵埃落定透微言。

Linda Lai / Video Essays as a Minor Literature 《平地數碼》。平地素馬,塵埃落定透微言。

Minority or majority is not about numbers. Majority practices could often be the conventions set by the minority few whereas what is broadly held may not be represented as “majority” positions. Being in the minority is not being weak. A “minor literature,” to Deleuze, is a strategic position whereby “de-territorialization” begins. 多數或少數與數量無關;多數人奉行的操作可以是少數人所決定的,而大部分人視以為閒常的,未必為主導主流所涵蓋以至突顯。特勒茲論述中的「少數文學」是個可用的據點,是語言表述活動的「反山頭主義式佔領」的開始。

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊 (九) – 起身喇! Just Around You 9: “Wakey-wakey!”

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊 (九) – 起身喇! Just Around You 9: “Wakey-wakey!”

What was life like for an ordinary kid growing up in crammed flats in public housing? Tough, but ordinary, when the notion of “poverty” was not turned into an ideology that undermines you. 1960s, 1970s. Hong Kong. FP writer Wai-leung Lai recalls… 只有最基本的資源也是日子的一種。活著總有生趣,就看你。那是當「缺乏豪華生活」未被化成統計,未被化作意識形態之前…。普通人的普通故事。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to  “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

The video essay is an expanding category, from the “film essay” named in the 1960s, generally considered non-fiction, to possible renewal of late 19th-C traveling lecture events which embraces pedagogic as much as fun purposes. Video essay is a form of “direct action” for the here and now, a critical response to the crisis of moving image as mnemontechnics (memory machines) that undermines our agency. 據點的《平地數碼》(2020年11月只2021年6月)志在翻開「散文電影」的系譜溯源,通過延伸的想像,擴大今時今日「錄像文章」的可用性以至成為如何活在當下的據點,對知識的守護和創造採取直接行動。請留意11月5日錄像文章比賽的正式發佈。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Invoking the term “video essay,” Floating Projects advances into a new experiment – to generate a new virtual community through sharing thoughts and sentiments as short videos, a tactical move in our milieu of media convergence. The video essay competition is an experimental action about naming and renaming, and how to survive contemporary society in which personal articulation is more often shut off and short-circuited than encouraged, wherever we are.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片(三) – 爬。[電]梯。兩椿圖文對話 My dream fragments 3: Climb. Elevator. Two text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片(三) – 爬。[電]梯。兩椿圖文對話 My dream fragments 3: Climb. Elevator. Two text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned into wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong pulls out another two to form two new dialogues as image-text poems. An obsession with movement, or is it immobility? 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出兩片,成了兩首圖文對話的詩,像彼此勾連,又似莫不相關。爬、行,卻是移動的衝動,徘徊的辯證。

A digital star cake for October celebrants! 數碼蛋糕:送給十月份的慶生者…

A digital star cake for October celebrants! 數碼蛋糕:送給十月份的慶生者…

To birthday boys and girls in October… It’s a month marked by monumentalism — 1st and 10th, Russia, China, KMT and more… Occupy our speaking space. Articulate. Another dialogue in poetry… 十月有人生日。別讓俄國革命、十一雙十的歷史碑誌重量大石壓死魚蝦蟹。我有我的說話空間,我有我的故事。發聲,接合。另一次雙人詩對。

Andio Lai / Analog Tapes and Digital Files: A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition 錄音帶和數碼檔案:《音》,一個即興展

Andio Lai / Analog Tapes and Digital Files: A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition 錄音帶和數碼檔案:《音》,一個即興展

10月10-25日在據點現場發生的即興展/演《音》,是句點成員黎仲民的又一次實驗。新冠狀病毒期間可以搞怎樣的展覽?聲音的表演和展覽可以如何結合?取來的素材,是黃竹坑時期的 FP1.0 表演的翻新,以及石硤尾年頭的 FP2.0的表演紀錄,那會產生的是甚麼新活動?On site on 10-25 October at Floating Projects, A U D I O, a pop-up, is another one of FPC member Andio Lai’s experimental events of impromptu nature. With raw material from performances of FP1.0 (Wong Chuk Hang) and FP2.0 (Shek Kip Mei) as they were documented in different formats, what would be the outcome of the integration of sound, performance and exhibition?

Linda Lai / Montage is performance… 潛行:一次分秒秩進的蒙太奇

Linda Lai / Montage is performance… 潛行:一次分秒秩進的蒙太奇

A videographer (Linda Lai) and a artist working on drawings (Jansen Law) in dialogue… The language of montage is invoked, contemplating time… The piece was Linda Lai’s spontaneous response to a few draft drawings Jamsen Law sent her, all from Law’s solo show, “No Details, Not Whole,” at Lumenvisum in September 2016.

Floating Projects Collective 2024