11 new zines created in 2023 plus more by Floating Project members and friends initiated a new phase of growing existing resources into more points of sharing. 據點對小誌文化的集體實驗,從手做書、詩話、散文,到嚴肅生活和創作議題的結集,於大館書展4月28-30日與大眾見面。
她(黎肖嫻)寫了一首別人的情詩。已沒有話可述說愛情,只知道「想」之際自覺存在多一點。找文學對愛情的書寫,總覺女作家和男作家的視野不盡相同。沒有性別基要主義。只是好奇。想聽讀者們的回贈,讓她不落入自說自話的荒涼。Linda Lai wrote a poem contemplating the phenomenology of being in love and losing it. Great quotes from the internet were grabbed in search of the male protagonist’s voice, says she. Let’s have a conversation!