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The Ventriloquists 05. The Hand that moves the artist, 2 pictograms on forced conformity 《腹語系》之隻手遮天。兩個解構操控與失去自主的數據圖像

The Ventriloquists 05. The Hand that moves the artist, 2 pictograms on forced conformity 《腹語系》之隻手遮天。兩個解構操控與失去自主的數據圖像

The Hand comes in from everywhere. It interrupts, commands, dominates…; it is omnipresent, irresistible, almighty, dressed and decorated nonetheless mercilessly brutal.. Such is the condition of an artist who wakes up one morning to find his normal routine totally ruled invalid. 木偶藝術小子一覺醒來,伸伸懶腰又期待著新一天的開始。怎知道一夜間世界變透了。一隻無名的手,由溫柔禮待到強權粗暴,無處不在,無孔不入。

The Ventriloquists 04. Thought paths inside the Theatre Box, 12 montage sequences  十二串個性不同的思緒共享一個微型的小黑盒劇場,各有嗓音,合起來是洪流。

The Ventriloquists 04. Thought paths inside the Theatre Box, 12 montage sequences 十二串個性不同的思緒共享一個微型的小黑盒劇場,各有嗓音,合起來是洪流。

Twelve personal thought paths share the same space within a theatre box, each a unique stream of murmurs, together a torrent of existential quests. 十二串個性不同的思緒共享一個微型的小黑盒劇場,各有嗓音,合起來是洪流。態度的堅持,存在的疑問,主體的尋溯,無名渴求,生老病死。

The Ventriloquists 03. On Švankmajer’s Jabberwocky (1971) by Harmanjeet Singh 「物件」變「東西」。現在進行式傳真。定格動畫。
The Ventriloquists 02. We open. We speak. Do you hear? first 5 works 門半開啟。有話想說。五個作品門外恭候。
The Ventriloquists 01. Description as Storytelling…ask the objects, by Jake Wong 死物不死:描述也是敘述(黃汛一)

The Ventriloquists 01. Description as Storytelling…ask the objects, by Jake Wong 死物不死:描述也是敘述(黃汛一)

“The Ventriloquists…Thinking Narratively” (4-17 July 2020), begins with the on-line version of Jake Wong’s response to generative literature. | Generative Art –> Creative writing –> A story “generated” by surroundings –> “the window, the door, the cobble and the knife” | To Jake, what he offers is a framework — an initial state of a writing game that is endless with infinite iterations as long as we keep writing. Welcome to join. 《腹語系。微敘思考》啟動的第一個作品是創作性的文字。作者黃汛一的思路如下:衍生性藝術 –> 創作性文字 –> 一個因環境而衍生的故事 –> 「窗。門。卵石。刀。」| 黃汛一說與其說這是完整的作品,不如把它看成一個寫作方法的種子示範,為誘更多的迭代,寫之不盡。

Linda Lai / The Ventriloquists 00. Free imaging 2020 | 腹語系:微敘思考。需要多些自由的影像。

Linda Lai / The Ventriloquists 00. Free imaging 2020 | 腹語系:微敘思考。需要多些自由的影像。

腹語系:微敘思考 “Thinking Narratively… the Ventriloquists” | video dreamworks, thought paths as montage sequences, sight-and-sound data visualization of well-known moving image works | 63 works by young artists from the School of Creative Media’s BA program. Why do we install so many voices into Floating Project’s limited space? | 夢式敘事。影像/圖像蒙太奇。聲影數據圖像分析名作 | 63 個創意媒體學院文學學士課程的年青創作者的聲影訴說。為何在此時此地在「據點」有限的空間群星匯聚?

The 20 videographic works by 16 artists in “Back and Forth”
Linda Lai / 12 Manifestos on Videography from 12 Young Video Artists on 18 Concrete Videos 《12個宣言。錄像書寫為何。關連的18個塑形錄像作品。》

Linda Lai / 12 Manifestos on Videography from 12 Young Video Artists on 18 Concrete Videos 《12個宣言。錄像書寫為何。關連的18個塑形錄像作品。》

These manifestos are to accompany the 18 works in the Concrete Videos program to be screened at Floating Projects, 4:00-6:00pm, 9 January 2016, produced and curated by Linda Lai. +The project described here was partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. 9042111 […]

Floating Projects Collective 2025