Dory Cheng 鄭多莉
Dory Cheng’s practice spans photography, installation, and zine-making, characterised by abstract aesthetics and whimsical imagery. Driven by the belief that “art is a series of aesthetic experiments,” Cheng explores the cycle of life and death and the emotional connection between spaces, objects, and human beings. She examines how the stasis of time in word and image can weave the fabric of an imagined realm. With a passion for exploring the world and connecting with diverse communities, Cheng participated in artist residencies at documenta fifteen’s Gudskul Collective Study #5; the Biennale of Site-Specific Art at Semarang Penta K Labs IV, Indonesia; and in Vietnam and Australia. In 2021, she was awarded the Julian Lee Asia One Photographic Award. Cheng is a member of Floating Projects Collective.
鄭多莉,主修新媒體藝術,並研習古典影像工藝。總抱持好奇心,以書本和生活為啟發,實驗出一堆作品。閒時突發其想,學習路仍在探索,也接受從「失敗」的實驗品,發掘另類美學。計劃沖曬底片便在家搭建臨時黑房,以簡單的工具自製針孔相機。疫情還未完結,便去一轉美國又回來了。在獨自旅程中練習以錄像觀察自己,和自己對話。她的作品遊走於抽象美學與奇幻怪趣的影像之間。秉持「藝術是一場場美學實驗」的理念,她探討空間、物件與人之間的情感連結及生死循環,同時探究文字和影像如何在時間中滯留,成為想像構築的場域。她以攝影、展覽裝置和小誌為創作媒介,並以探索世界為養分,了解不同地域的群體。她曾在德國卡塞爾文獻展Gudskul Collective Study #5、印尼三寶壟場域特定藝術項目雙年展Penta K Labs IV,以及越南河內和澳洲悉尼等地進行藝術駐留。2021年,她榮獲李志超宏亞攝影獎。她是藝術群體「據點。句點」的成員。