
Category: Eat Well Drink Well Breathe Well 吃好喝好透心涼

最重要是可以繼續呼吸,腳下還有可站立的地,或許可以生根。好好照顧自己。Live well. Be nice to Earth. Food ethics. Anti-consumerist life-style. Good recipes to share. Good survival tips. Take good care of yourself, your body and your mind… …

Evelyn Char / 恩寵、剝落、熄滅(四段之一)

Evelyn Char / 恩寵、剝落、熄滅(四段之一)

/ 查映嵐 (Evelyn CHAR) (i) 你是此生最美好的恩寵(當時我沒有發現),我或非你最愛之人, 但你的小身體,始終慷慨,可以無止境地給予,在你那裡沒有傷害,只有最深最純粹的,兩個生命體之間的交通。但這樣的恩寵被沒收了,如是我流落在這個荒野般的現世,再也沒有倚靠與憑藉,再也沒有歸去的處所。我獨自在這世上,失去恩寵的世界, 只剩下無止盡的黑暗,那是一個沒有光、沒有風、沒有水的星球,我衣不蔽體,只能在那裡承受並等待,接續而來的傷害。

Vanessa Tsai / 古人身邊都是寶 Lost simplicity

Vanessa Tsai / 古人身邊都是寶 Lost simplicity

蔡季妙輕嘆:「古人的沒錢真好!因為沒錢,總是想盡辦法好好利用身邊所有可以用得到的一草一木。」Tai Chung-based writer Vanessa Tsai noted, “People in pre-modern days might not enjoy the material abundance we do, but they certainly had many more ideas how to maximize what is available around them to make things work.”

Vanessa Tsai / 夢窗 – 往異次元 Dreams are windows to other dimensions
Vanessa Tsai / 雨後 荷花:「出淤泥而不染」的仿生 The Lotus Pond after the Rain: the use of bionics

Vanessa Tsai / 雨後 荷花:「出淤泥而不染」的仿生 The Lotus Pond after the Rain: the use of bionics

荷花(蓮花)不一定是詩人文人的專屬。據點友好駐台灣作者來個自然科學的角度。談談「仿生學」以致日漸弱化的生物多樣性。Lotus flowers are favourite objects of Chinese poetry and literary writing in general. FP friend, Tai Chung-based writer, Vanessa Tsai takes a natural science perspective: have we noticed the shrinking variety of plant species, and what is bionics doing?

LAI Wai-leung / 半生•咖啡•緣

LAI Wai-leung / 半生•咖啡•緣

香港人「嘆」甚麼咖啡?在那裡「嘆」?甚麼來頭的咖啡?多貴多便宜?據點作者從1970年代說起。What coffee did HK people enjoy? Where from? Where to have a cup of coffee? How expensive? How cheap? Any brandnames? FP manager and writer Wai-leung Lai recount his coffee experience since the 1970s.

Floating Projects Collective 2025