
Category: Creative Writings 創作性書寫

亮光?靈感?心有靈犀?都是神話。動手,下筆。書寫是以行動去發現。視覺、聽覺、觸覺、心、智、字、詞,渾然為一。與隱若的玩玩捉迷藏。Inspiration or intuition may work together. Most importantly, drop words on a surface. Discover, listen, be shocked and surprised... Writing invents and pushes boundaries as the act sustains...

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 1: an Excerpt from My Mind 「思維自說自話」1 – 片段,斷片

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 1: an Excerpt from My Mind 「思維自說自話」1 – 片段,斷片

The first of a new series, “let the mind speak,” by fresh graduate Ryan Chung for Floating Teatime… #1 unfolds an unspeakable state of mind… 一個今年暑假剛畢業的大學生用「寫」跟自己對談。是過程,不論成果。《思維自說自話》系列第一篇。

Zach McLane / How might a beginning be an opening?

Zach McLane / How might a beginning be an opening?

Zach McLane “returns” to FP with a new video work and expanded notes after his last and first visit to Hong Kong in September 2018. In renewed confidence of his own language, in words or images, Zach turned a strip of trashed 35mm film found in a backyard creek into the preserved evidence of an unknown yet concrete history. A documentary impulse of his pushed physical marks, scratches and patterning into the materialization of an absence now surfacing as perceivable forms and motions.

Linda Lai / I’ve Crossed the Threshold of the Millennium (1)

Linda Lai / I’ve Crossed the Threshold of the Millennium (1)

Part 1 of artist/scholar Linda Lai’s multi-episode narrative poem on living across two centuries, a contemplation on time and space as experienced… written over a cup of hot chocolate – English version. 2018年元旦日,黎肖嫻用了一個小時呷著一杯和暖的巧克力。這樣,兩個世紀的心情、不同的時空對策忽然安好坐落在一個思維地表之上,連線起來。

Linda Lai / 我跨過了兩個世紀的門檻 (一)

Linda Lai / 我跨過了兩個世紀的門檻 (一)

**Part 1 of artist/scholar Linda Lai’s multi-episode narrative poem on living across two centuries, a contemplation on time and space as experienced… written over a cup of hot chocolate. 2018年元旦日,黎肖嫻用了一個小時呷著一杯和暖的巧克力。這樣,兩個世紀的心情、不同的時空對策忽然安好坐落在一個思維地表之上,連線起來。

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(二): 未拆的包裹(下) Just around you 2: a parcel to be opened 2

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(二): 未拆的包裹(下) Just around you 2: a parcel to be opened 2

FP writer Wai-leung Lai turned his sentiments for the thick urban space of Hong Kong into fictional encounters in a serial format. Part 2 of a crime story, apparently, is a twist into self-awakening. 寫實、描述、虛擬。是接觸世界的滾軸過程。誰知道敘事發展下去會觸及那些點?黎偉亮的一件「案件」其實是… …

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(二): 未拆的包裹(上)

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(二): 未拆的包裹(上)

FP writer Wai-leung Lai turned his sentiments for the thick urban space of Hong Kong into fictional encounters in a serial format. Part 1 of a crime story apparently… What is it opening up? 寫實、描述、虛擬。是接觸世界的滾軸過程。誰知道敘事發展下去會觸及那些點?黎偉亮從一件「案件」開始。

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #3: “Little Sound”

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #3: “Little Sound”

Ocean Emotion is Taipei-based young artist Allison H.‘s contribution to the Floating Teatime. Each of her poems about her everyday encounters will be matched with one image from her own personal photography archive. … “Little Sound” probes into living things in her kitchen… 2016.09.21  

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #2: “Hostage”
Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #1: “Insomnia”
Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

/ Linda Lai I have been spending quite a bit of time digging up hidden waste to turn them into treasures for the Floating Projects — from my home, from my office, from my work studio… Happy to see the circulation of furniture and books and re-purposing of things accumulated through time. Last week, I […]

Floating Projects Collective 2025