Toy as Medium: FP Assemblage 玩具之間- 句點聚疊
[中文版在英語版之後。Chinese version follows after the English version.]
TOY as medium-Floating Projects Assemblage session
20 November - 12 December 2016 Opening:2016.11.20 (Sun) 2:00 - 6:00 pm / playing together, conversations
*3 Dec (Sat) “Monster Assemblage” Workshop《用剩物,砌怪物》工作坊 / 4:00-6:00pm *10-11 Dec (Sat) "Playing Projects" 「玩動日 / 彈珠人和四驅車比賽」 "FP first B-Daman League"《據點第一季彈珠人競技賽》 10 Dec 2016 / Time : 3:00pm - 6:00pm "Double Racing Session"《Double賽車時段》 11 Dec 2016 / Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm -- Toy is a kind of common language for us as we must all have played a certain toy when small. How did toys and toy cultures form our childhood and our memory of it? TV, comics and games are toys' integral components as well as their extension. The show, Toy as Medium, reflects on the media that come alongside with toys. How much of it has become obsolete, or elements of nostalgia in contemporary pop culture? We also hope this show shares with our expat friends the toys that we grew up with. Do come for a direct gaze into our childhood. A “dreamscape” from childhood is what our setup aims to recreate – it is vivid, fun and resourceful, resulting from the variety of toys and related artifacts in assemblage. This also generates an alienating reality as the "childhood room" for visitors is built with our knowledge, resources and experience as grown-ups. The toys are the same, but we have already grown out of our younger selves. Toy as Medium is the return of Floating Projects' "WCH Assemblage" series, which experiments with space and re-purposing of material objects. After several FP members’ solo shows, we now bring back the group show format, which simply makes sense as the display (spatial) strategy and juxtaposition of each of our own “toy histories” is all about collaboration. Together we push boundaries, perhaps even beyond "toy as medium." Our setup begins as another of FP’s assemblage sessions, but completes as spatial intervention. While following a specific plan of formal juxtaposition, our goal is to allow ourselves the room to rethink the possibilities of toy through making and playing on the spot, and to rediscover toy as an artistic medium rooted in daily life. The versatile character of the toy objects also turns art into inter-subjective experiences. ----
[FP artists] Kel LOK 駱敏聰, LAI Wai-leung 黎偉亮, Andio LAI 黎仲民, Jess LAU 劉清華, Kelvin LAM 林建才, CHEUK Wing-nam 卓穎嵐, WONG Fuk-kuen 黃福權
[Guest artists] Kenneth CHANG 張梓軒, Fatghost 肥鬼, Jason WONG 黃子珏
Co-cuated by Andio Lai, Kel Lok 策展/統籌:黎仲民、駱敏聰
---- REVIEWS: John Batten: "'Toy as Medium' art exhibition explores art and games" Post Magazine, 3 Dec 2016
黃正軒、王嘉政: "【展覽:玩具之間】90年代玩具成關鍵詞 再生作品喚起共鳴和回憶," HK01, 4 Dec 2016
黃正軒、王嘉政: "【展覽:玩具之間】藝術家以玩具為媒介 重塑童年「夢想空間」 ," HK01, 4 Dec 2016
RELATED READINGS: Military Miniature, My Toy, My Medium: A Maker’s Journal 軍事模型,我的媒體 ,我的玩具:玩家日誌 那些玩具 Those Toys Toy as Medium: artistic passion, self expression and the circuits of cultural artifacts 玩具之間:(再)創造熱情、表述、聚疊…以外 4WD fragments 四驅的鎖碎記憶 玩具展 – 下雨天的城堡 A Castle for the Rainy Days: toy show “Toy as Medium” 我跟彈珠人有一種緣份。We’ve got a connection… Long Time no see: TAMIYA-Tiger 1 再度重遇「你」: 田宮「虎一」戰車 Gundamzeta ----
玩具之間- 句點聚疊
十一月二十 至 十二月十二 開幕活動:
現場遊戲、對話、交換心得 / 11月20日(星期日)下午4:00-6:00
玩具是常用語言,沒有人不懂,因為我們都在小時候玩過特定的玩具。玩具和玩具文化是如何形成了我們的童年和記憶的呢?電視、漫畫和遊戲也是玩具的一部分,也是延伸。這個展覽探討與玩具有關連的媒體。展覽中的玩具有多少已經過時,又或帶著當代流行文化懷舊的元素?我們希望與我們的朋友分享玩具,讓各位,包括非香港出生的朋友,直接凝視我們的童年。 《玩具之間》可以說是我們童年時候的「夢想空間」的再造和重现,繽紛、有趣,佈滿著不同的玩具和相關的物件。這也會形成一種冶現實的異化效果,因爲我們都以成年人的認知、資源和經驗去「再生產」這空間。同一樣的玩具,但我們跟小時候的自己不同了。 過去多個月來,據點發表了多個成員的個展,這次,我們再回到「黃竹坑聚疊」,所實驗的可不一樣。「玩具作為媒體」(是次展覽英語標題的中譯)是非一般的聯展。我們必須獨立行事,也必須合作對話,才能做到以玩具的實存和各自的「個人玩具歷史」有效而具探索性的編鋪展場,打開玩具的多樣性,甚至超越媒體論。 這次的展覽既是「據點。句點」的另一個獨特的「聚疊」事件 ,更期望其成果是有意識的空間介入。我們執著於展覽的形相和鋪排 – 那是風格的所在。更重要的,是透過這組合引導我們去重新想想玩具跟遊戲是怎麼一回事 – 作為藝術,甚至作為指向生活的媒介。我們展示玩具作為媒介的豐富繽紛,也以另一角度去看玩具裡的玩、藝術和生活經驗。