Ways of Running and Embracing is a joint exhibition by Lau Sze Man and Ailsa Wong featuring their paintings and video works. The title of the exhibition comes from a book by Eduardo Galeano, a Uruguayan writer who is known for his episodic form of writing, in which he describes writing as his way of striking out and embracing. Lau and Wong believe that art is not just a piece of text or commentary based on the world. Rather, it can become part of the beings in the world, and a way to run and embrace the world. In the creation process that is non-research-based yet introspective, a narrative structure is almost non-existent. To verify and communicate emotions, images were extracted from fragmented life experiences, as meanings disappeared and were re-established repeatedly.
Fragmented images are ridded of a strong narrative, leaving only recurring scenes: First, the split second of a yawn; second, the passing of a mirror on the street; third, in a dream. Pieces of impulses.
To resist the dreariness of the one-dimensional world, searching for myth-like enlightenments in a life where you cannot grasp the focal point. Vague, fable-like ballads that lack the keynote, separate and reconnect over and over again like a pendulum in the flat dimension.
The birthplace is a short place, whereas raindrops in Taipei are long. Rain that goes straight down or sideways. Clouds are heavier than the grassland. Clichés that kept turning up in the days.
Reaching freedom in passion and frustration.
Translation: Charlotte Waying Lee
Hard Wings (Soft Negative Space), Marker, pencil, ball pen, acrylic and oil on aluminium plate, 91.5 x 93 cm, 2023
v5, Archival inkjet print on paper, 44 x 66 cm, 2023

Date:6 - 28/4/2023
Time:2 - 8 p.m. (closed on Mondays)
Venue:Floating Projects @floatingprojects
(L3-06D JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street)
Opening: 8 April 2023 5 - 7 p.m.
《奔跑和擁抱的方式》 是劉詩敏和黃雅珊的聯展,主要展出劉與黃的繪畫及錄像作品。展名源於擅長將短篇拼湊的烏拉圭作家 Galeano ,所提及以書寫作為反擊和擁抱的方式。劉、黃相信藝術不只是關於世界的一個文本或評論,而是可成為世界中的一物,並作為奔跑及擁抱世界的方式。在非研究式但內省的創作中敘事結構幾乎缺失。以確認和共享情感為目的,在碎片化的生活經驗中提取穿插的意象,意義在消散或建立中不斷輪迴。
《硬翅膀(柔軟的負空間)》,麥克筆、鉛筆、原子筆、塑膠彩及油彩鋁板,91.5 x 93 厘米,2023
《v5》,收藏級噴墨打印紙本,44 x 66 厘米,2023
地點:據點。句點 @floatingprojects
(石硤尾白田街30號JCCAC L3-06D)
開幕:4月8日 下午5至7時

Ways of Running and Embracing during the setting up period