Sketch 2 returns to reconnect with 2018’s Sketch Out to further the investigation what a sketch could do, beyond drawing, beyond pen and paper. It is a wandering process, the free flow of thoughts. Sketch is an extempore — done on the spur of the moment, to encounter the many more possibilities awaiting an artist. The pop-up show of FPC members’ sketches in varied media will be kicked off by an initial assemblage event with day-to-day fine-tuning and on-site re-arrangement to facilitate a dialogue in action.《再稿》2021 — 自2018年後《稿展》再度出擊。打開「稿」的種類、載媒、應用和意義,也是「據點。句點」成員的再一次聚疊,透過展示他/她們的「稿」件,用另一種方法展示他/她們的藝術關注和創作上的路徑。21天。天天換景,重組再疊。行動就是探索。
***first uploaded 1 Nov 2021; updated 16 November 2021
Sketch Two: Floating, Surfing, Working on
再稿: 浮遊,流動,工作進行中
31/10/2021 – 24/11/2021 [event post]
忻慧妍 Winnie Yan。黃慧心 Winsome Wong。黎偉亮 Lai Wai-leung。駱敏聰 Kel Lok。黎仲民 Andio Lai。林建才 Lam Kin-choi。黃福權 Wong Fuk-kuen。羅銳 Ray LC, Kasin。
It’s been growing… 天天蔓延。
稿的概念 by Andio Lai: Idea of Sketching
Sketch Two – a pop-up exhibition 再稿 pop-up 突備展
In 2018, there was the first exhibition of Sketch Out (30 Oct -18 Nov) With Sketch Two, the show would like to revisit the form and direction of this previous show and further expand its idea and scale. The last show was a pop-up as it was planned for using FP’s new JCCAC space to find more casual ways to organise a show with members of the Floating Projects Collective (FPC). It also aimed to show the audience the diverse interests and creative directions within FPC. A “sketch” could appear as any old drafts, unused designs, and even leftovers materials of an individual’s previous artwork production.
One main idea of the Sketch show was to open up the notion of a sketch, by which we did not just mean the typical “paper sketch,” but also the sketch of any tools and materials. In fact, the show’s direction is to define sketches towards multi-medium. Especially with today’s cellphone technology, we can simply sketch with a camera easily. Actually, some games director and animators are already using a phone’s video function to sketch out ideas before accessing any professional tools. It is quite often that we use the term “sketch” for something related to sketching in drawing – in which case the main tools are pens and drawing paper. But ideas come and go fast. We do sketch to mark whatever is possible. We may find myths and historical references of famous architecture plans sketched on tissue paper (or paper handkerchief) during a meeting. From the perspective of Art and Design, sketches are actually an open-ended beginning of a project of any form.
《再稿》2021 其中一個重要想法是跳出一般以「紙」為本的框架來看待「稿」,著眼於各種不同工具和物料所生產的「原稿」。也就是說,這次嘗試定義原稿為多媒介物料。喜見現今的手提智能電話科技,讓我們可以輕易地用攝錄和不同輔助功能去起稿,又如越來越多遊戲製作人和動畫師在採用專業的軟件去創作前喜歡使用數碼工具去起稿。我們很多時將稿的載媒慣性局限於紙和筆之間。但有如是突然間面對著一個美麗風景的啟發,無論是使用紙本速繪還是到35mm膠卷“傻瓜機”去攝影,甚至是以電話紀錄,都可以是「稿」。
Sketch and assemblage 用「稿」來疊疊聚聚
In this new pop-up exhibition, I intend to expand our views on the process of a sketch. It includes selected sketches from several FPCollective members.
While the first sketch show (2018) focuses quite heavily on paper-form sketches, this time, the form of sketch ranges from plastic sculptures, photography, videos and sounds. With such material, we also seek to revive an important invention of the Floating Project’s — the “assemblage” — to kick off our pop-up show, in which arrangements and works vary day by day.
The showcase of sketches wishes to provide the ground for FPC artists to review our own artistic practices and to open up discussions for possible paths not yet taken. Hence, we believe that sketches also reveal part of the methodologies and thoughts related to our own pursuit of art.
A Sketch is Artistic Pre-Production 原稿是創作的前設
If one believes art-making is a kind of production activity and labouring, the sketching process could involve or be understood as pre-production. It is the core of a making process, the source of development of an unfinished product in the processing of making. One can say a sketch is the initial “product,” and indeed as important as the final outcome. The unfolding potential of a sketch is capable of suggesting an idea’s process of “becoming,” offering glimpses of the paths from its origins to its final form. As part of a pre-production process, sketching could be anything from drafting, brainstorming, prototyping to designing. The sight of sketches may reveal other possibilities of an idea.
Sketching requires no preparation. It is a wandering process. The key is the free flow of thoughts. Sketch is an extempore — done on the spur of the moment, to encounter the many more possibilities awaiting us.
總而言之,稿是一門無須刻意準備的探索知識的過程 — 想法的自由流動,隨心即興。最重要的,是提醒我們總有那更多的可能性在守侯。
31 October 2021 – Soft opening, assemblage begins!
pop-up exhibition period: 1-21 November 2021
據點現場。Site view at Floating Projects (1)
據點現場。Site view at Floating Projects (2)
on-site views of individual artists’ installed works
Kin-choi Lam’s “drafts” 林建才的「稿」作
installed objects by Kel Lok and Kasin
Wong Fuk-kuen installed “wind” on site
draft prints by Winnie Yan
Lai Wai-leung’s repurposing of unused model parts
Winsome Wong’s draft videos