Start from seeing Solo Exhibition by Samson Cheung | 從觀看說起 張才生個展
展覽場地:據點。句點 地址:香港黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈8樓D室
展覽日期:17/12/2016 - 31/12/2016 (聖誕其間照常開放)
開放時間:2pm - 8pm (星期一休息),其他時間敬請預約
藝術家講座:18/12/2016 3:00pm
主講:張才生 (藝術家),張嘉莉 (展覽對談員)
展覽開幕:18/12/2016 5:00pm 閉幕表演:31/12/2016 5:00pm
「這顆彈珠是由何時開始發射已很難推敲,但這個展覽嘗試從展覽空間中呈現彈珠隨著釘子走來走去的創作狀態。從拿起相機紀錄風景;拾起石頭、燈罩、拉尺等日常物探索『聲音與空間』、『觀眾與表演者』;於街頭利用氫氣球、泥土和玻璃樽,期望感受那股隨時爆破、波及途人的恐懼的一場重力測試;最後以風扇、投影機、錫紙、木箱等營造「觀看」的場景作結。」 這是張才生籌備展覽和新作品途中找來張嘉莉對談,討論由學習攝影到現在的創作脈胳後,想到用彈珠機的比喻。「從觀看說起…」這個展覽主題也就是從對談中醞釀出來。 關於藝術家 年少時夢想成為農夫、巴士司機、足球員及地理學家,大學卻主修工商管理。現在視藝術創作過程為終身學習的平台, 並慶幸每天能夠望見海。 2012年獲得香港專業進修學院攝影深造文憑後開始認真創作,2013年打開耳朵,探索聲音這媒介源於一隻咖啡杯上的咖啡漬。2014年,為聲音掏腰包 「藝術家支援計劃」2014-15 年度獲選年青藝術家。2015年分別到芝加哥「Experimental Sound Studio」和台北「水谷藝術」作駐場藝術家後開始反思藝術完成品的可持續性,以及嘗試以表演、空間介入等方式將自我與參與者刻畫於各種場景之中。 個人網頁:http://www.cheungchoisang.com/
Start from Seeing - Solo Exhibition by Samson Cheung Choi Sang
Venue: Floating Projects (Room D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong)
Exhibition Date: 17/12/2016 - 31/12/2016 (Open as usual during X’mas holiday)
Opening hours: 2pm - 8pm (close on Monday), other hours availiable by appointment
Artist talk: 18/12/2016 3:00pm
Speakers: Samson Cheung (Artist), Clara Cheung (Dialogue Developer)
Opening reception: 18/12/2016 5:00pm
Closing performance: 31/12/2016 5:00pm
‘It is not easy to find out since when this pinball was shot off, but the exhibition probably reveals the status of this pinball running back and forth amongst many different pins and nails. I started with taking up a camera to photograph landscapes, then picked up daily life objects, like a rock, a lamp shield and a measuring tape, to explore the relationships between sound and space, and between audience and performers. Hydrogen balloons and glasses with mud on street also came into the picture, anticipating sudden explosion and the fear of the passersby during the gravity calibration. The “spectacular” scene with fans, projectors, aluminum paper and wood box etc. becomes a conclusion for the moment, after all.’ The pinball machine is an analogy that came to Samson’s mind after he invited Clara Cheung to be the “dialogue developer” during his preparation for the current exhibition. In their conversations, they talked about how he started with studying photography and then further developed his current practice. The exhibition title, “Start from Seeing...,” was also derived from the dialogues.
About the artist He dreamt of being a farmer, bus driver, football player and geographer but ended up with a Business Administration Degree. He now considers the process of art-makingas a lifelong learning platform and thankfully enjoys being able to look at the sea everyday. He gained the Postgraduate Diploma in Photography from HKU SPACE in 2012, and started opening up his ears and exploring the sound media in 2013 after beinginspired by the coffee marks in a coffee cup. He was selected as the artist of soundpocket in the “Artists' Supported Program 2014-15". After his artist- in- residency in Experimental Sound Studio in Chicago and Waley Art in Taipei at 2015, he has begun to examine the sustainability of a finished artwork, as well as to explore his ideas with performances and spatial interventions that place himself and participants into certain situations.
Personal website: http://www.cheungchoisang.com/ Facebook Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1167839226584815/