![Enduring Care: FP, HK participant in "Day With[out] Art 2021" by Visual AIDS](https://fpchk.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/2021/11/ENDURING-CARE-Logo-Square.png)
Enduring Care: FP, HK participant in "Day With[out] Art 2021" by Visual AIDS
1st December 2021 @ Floating Projects | L3-06D, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre | one-hour program looping the whole day | Coordinator/Moderator: FPC member Michael Leung 十二月一日,一小時七部錄像於賽馬會創意藝術中心L3-06D據點循環播放。據點成員梁志剛策劃。
2021年12月1日週三為世界愛滋日。「據點。句點」參與「視覺愛滋」藝術組織的 Day With[out] Art,成為香港本地的參與者之一,放映以「持續關照」(Enduring Care)為主題的一小時的免費節目,包含七部新影片,內容著重HIV疫情下的社區照護策略,來自亞洲和台灣等地,包括 J. Triangular 和 The Women Video Support Project的《滴水希望》
This year, Floating Projects is a participant of the annual Day With(out) Art project as a local presenter of "Enduring Care." It is a free, one hour video program of seven new videos highlighting strategies of community care within the ongoing HIV epidemic. Day Without Art 2021 prioritizes international perspectives, representing Taiwan and Asia, including a newly commissioned short documentary, HOPE DROPS (滴水希望) by J. Triangular and The Women Video Support Project.
三十逾年來,「視覺愛滋」(Visual AIDS)藝術組織每年舉辦「一天無藝術」(Day With(out) Art)活動,廣邀藝術機構關注持續嚴峻的愛滋危機。自2014年,視覺愛滋每年製作影像節目免費提供大專院校、博物館、藝術機構、愛滋組織於世界愛滋日12月1日當天或前後放映。
Visual AIDS is a New York-based organization that works at the intersection of art, AIDS, and activism. For over thirty years, Visual AIDS has organized annual observances of Day With(out) Art, calling on art institutions to respond to the ongoing AIDS crisis. Every year since 2014, Visual AIDS has created and distributed free video programs to universities, museums, art institutions, and AIDS organizations to be screened on or around December 1st, World AIDS Day.
Visual AIDS work with 100+ institutions across the world will to present the program online and/or in-person around December 1, 2021, World AIDS Day/Day With(out) Art. The premiere will be held at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.
Short videos 放映
From histories of harm reduction and prison activism to the long-term effects of HIV medication, ENDURING CARE centers stories of collective care, mutual aid, and solidarity while pointing to the negligence of governments and non-profits. The program’s title suggests a dual meaning, honoring the perseverance and commitment of care workers yet also addressing the potential for harm from medications and healthcare providers. ENDURING CARE disrupts the assumption that an epidemic can be solved with pharmaceuticals alone, recasting community work as a lasting form of medicine.
Katherine Cheairs, Voices at the Gate 《門口的聲音》
Voices at the Gate is an experimental documentary video juxtaposing the bucolic landscapes inhabited by women’s prisons with archival and contemporary audio recordings of poems, essays and interviews by current and formerly incarcerated women of color living with HIV and AIDS.《門口的聲音》是一部實驗紀錄片,拍攝位於風光明媚的鄉下女性監獄,搭配上資料畫面、當代詩歌、散文朗誦聲音,及今昔被監禁於此、受HIV和愛滋所苦的有色人種女性的訪談錄音。
Cristóbal Guerra, Palma Tilteá 《血統貴族》(Nobleza(s) de Sangre)
Ser cuerpe y ritual en la simulación caribeña. Being body and ritual inside the Caribbean simulation. 此片為兩部分段式訪談,訪談多位波多黎各罹患HIV的藝術家,他們使用視聽復甦法召喚於1990年死於HIV併發症的波多黎各詩人曼努埃爾·拉莫斯·奧特羅(Manuel Ramos Otero)。圭拉並試圖翻譯曼努埃爾認為無法被翻譯的作品,且深究曼努埃爾生前的興趣如何影響他的作品。
Danny Kilbride, The Mersey Model 《莫茲河減害模式》
Danny Kilbride interviews Professor John Ashton, a public health official who helped institute the Mersey Model of Harm Reduction in Liverpool in 1986, the first government-funded needle exchange program in the UK. 丹尼·克布萊德訪問公衛官員約翰·阿什頓(John Ashton)教授,阿什頓教授於1986年的利物浦制定「莫茲河減害模式」,成為英國第一個政府補助之針具交換計畫。
Abdul-Aliy A. Muhammad and Uriah Bussey, #Medstrike: Confronting the Non-Profit Industrial Complex《挑戰非營利產業集團》
A chronicle of Abdul-Aliy A. Muhammad’s 2017 medication strike against the Mazzoni Center, a LGBT health clinic in Philadelphia, and the direct action campaign by the Black and Brown Workers Cooperative that preceded it. 此片紀錄阿巴杜·阿里·A·穆罕默德2017年以拒絕服藥對抗費城的一間LGBT診所馬佐尼中心(Mazzoni Center),以及先前由黑棕工人組織(Black and Brown Workers Cooperative)發起的直接行動。
Beto Pérez, In the Future 《在未來》
In the Future tells the stories of people living with HIV in Mexico who have been unable to access treatment because of government corruption and widespread theft and looting of medication.《在未來》關注一群墨西哥的HIV 感染者,他們因為政府貪腐、藥品頻頻遭竊的問題無法接受治療。
Steed Taylor, I am... a Long-Term AIDS Survivor《我是愛滋的長期倖存者》
Through a chorus of voices, Steed Taylor explores the difficulties of being a long-term AIDS survivor and the unexpected health problems facing many senior survivors. 史地·泰勒集結眾多聲音,呈現愛滋的長期倖存者所面臨的困難,和年長愛滋倖存者時常面臨的未能預期的健康問題。
J Triangular and The Women's Video Support Project, Hope Drops《滴水希望》
A collaborative video project made with women living in Taiwan who use their cameras to process stress and stigma, and to share their experiences living with HIV. 此集體創作的錄像計畫是由居住在台灣的女性透過攝影機來處理壓力和污名問題,並分享和HIV共生的經驗。
Note: The program may contain nudity and depiction of sexual acts.
全日循環放映「據點」現場 Whole-day recurrent screening at Floating Projects